    Scottish Independence: Utopia of Folly ?

    A referendum in 2014 will determine the political future of Scotland. As a Scot or Brit, what's your view on the legitimacy of Scottish Independence ?

    +5  Views: 962 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    Good question- but as a Yank I'll just hang and read what has to be said

    I haven't come across a single mention of the subject on any North American TV or radio network.

    Shows how "concerned we are" with foreign affairs...blaa blaa blaa election blaabidty blahh

    I bet that 90% of Foreign Affairs-related news coverage is Middle-East related.

    at least 90%- the paparazi must be paid by the gov'ts.

    Good question digger!

    What? No opinion, Romos?

    If you had asked the question in the 1970s I would have said definitely Utopia! Of course this was when we had thriving industries such as steel and coal,shipbuilding and newly discovered oil in the North Sea,then in 1979 there was a certain woman rose to prominence on this fair Isle, she made a very good job of decimating all of these industries,destroying all of the communities that had been built around them too,Government in Westminster also plundered the majority of the revenue that came from North Sea oil,the Scotland of today is a mere shadow of what it used to be, I personally don't believe anymore we could survive economically as an independent nation, the Southern Irish have been independent for many years now but they are currently in "deep doo doo" economically and it may take generations for them to recover, I can't see Scotland going down this road and I think the majority of people will vote a big fat NO in the referendum,I hope I'm right!

    I was born in Scotland and though non-resident agree with ROMOS. I think most of the English would willingly wave goodbye to Scotland and N Ireland also.




    Entertaining debate on the BBC today. I thought Salmond won it rather convincingly. Still too wide a gap to close in 3 weeks,though. There are numerous similarities with Quebec's independence aspirations. Hopefully, the referendum result won't cause long-term divisiveness.

    4 Answers

    Are ya kiddin' me?

    Of course they should have their independence.

    Ireland finally got theirs.

    The British Empire is no longer.

    Wales should go for it next.


    Do you feel the same way about Quebec seceding from Canada ?

    Let them go...

    How do you feel about it?

    The choice is theirs. I just hope that the Feds play hardball during the partition negotiations.

    Yep...they've been "special" too long.
    Let them try it on their own. They treat
    English-speaking people as second-class citizens, not allowing English signage anywhere and force immigrants to enroll in French choices for people.

    Although we're on the same side on this issue, I should point out that English signs (Storefront signs and in-store signs)are permitted in English as long as they are also posted in French. The English font is to be smaller than the French.

    Yes I've read that but I've also read that some places will not permit any English signs whatsoever.

    That would be the store-owner's choice. They are not obliged to post signs in any other language than French. It's just good business to so if your clientele is English-speaking.

    Well, the rest of Canada has to have all their packaging in french you can see, my feelings are yes, let me help you pack, Quebec.

    Hmmm..I've been to Quebec several times (and my French is minimal) I've always seen English signs or have soken English in shops- of course it was summer time so it was tourist season.

    There's Quebec, the province and Quebec, the city, Doo.

    Doo, you are correct. Unless you visit small towns well away from Montreal or Quebec City, you will have no problem getting around and being served in English. The remote areas that are not tourist destinations have few, if any English-Canadian inhabitants so it is no surprise that the locals, who have been educated in French, work in French and ARE French, speak only French.
    C'est la vie.

    Trouvez quelqu'un dans une pettite ville americaine que parle le francais. Nous sommes le pire!

    No one has asked us English our opinion, well I'll give it then.

    When they have all voted yes, we intend to put a very large barrier up at the boarder and charge all Scots who come across 500euros, because they can't use our pound anymore,  English that cross can only come back if they bring some Scottish beef with them (because it's better than ours). Any male this side of the boarder found wearing a skirt will be sent over the the other side with a set of bagpipes up their Khyber. 

    We claim the oil, and the Scottish shortbread biscuits, but we will share the royal family,as they are half Scottish, the Scots can have all those that do nothing. 


    Funny stuff but they CAN continue using your currency if they choose to do so.

    I think you will find that the British royals are more German than Scottish.

    KILT Dave, KILT!

    Roy, lol


    Hey Digger,,As an Aussie i have no say in the politics and heart of Scots and Brits,,But a man will fight and die for his heritage,so i reckon that makes it pretty important,however a referendum brings together a vote on Heritage of the heart and a vote on what is right for the country,,,and that will never be an easy vote,,You all have the right to vote,i wish you all the very best in your vote,,,>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    For Romos, it was probably folly. Here he was, independent and then Ms. Bumpkin came into his life. Now, it's utopia! 


    He's been colonized !

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