    ma ex told me he wanna met wid met n wanna kiss me.........wat do i do now?????

    0  Views: 1039 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    What did you do before be was your "ex".

    13 Answers

    Get an education.  Achieve a goal or 20 and then think about this 'ex' guy.  You look young.  Too young to be worried about trivial things.


    Actually, never worry about trivial things... it's time consuming and a lesson in futility.


    you understood this question???

    I actually know someone who speaks this language. She is 37 and so, it's a sad sad situation ... but hey, her boyfriend loves her.

    U tRi 2 gO Feer it gUrl, MemBer dOh, xxxx'S sPwed Fings.


    What kind of things Romos?

    cOlD sowers aNd Wurse i'M Tlod.

    cOLD sowers- noooooooope!

    FwOM kIssIN, u CaN!

    i be neber kismen agin

    Learn how to speak English? 

    So immature... We are grown adults, please address us as so and perhaps we may offer a suggestion.

    Your X is your X because...........remember why before you go off kissing him.

    "Huh Why don`t you ask him to take you out for a meal first ,If he take you to a "cheap restaurant its a "Cheap kiss your getting ,so you tell him kiss "A$$.

    It sounds like that is precisely what YOU want to do.

    I dare you to retype that question w/o looking at it again............

    Tell him he must clean the outhouse, slop the hogs, and clean out the stalls. 
    While he is doing this, YOU get enrolled in an adult school and try to become literate; maybe you can earn a G.E.D. 

    It is darned near impossible to believe you actually speak and spell like that. 


    Bob I think it is possible that she spells like this because perhaps she is not English -although the slang rather gives it away
    or is she just being annoying. Good answer.


    You need to stop worrying about your "ex" and get at least enough of an education to join the rest of the human race.


    Yeah, what you said. Double from me.

    well, it would prob be ok to meet up with him again,for lunch, or coffee. but don't start anything serious, or he'll drag the same issues into the relationship that he did before. And DON'T get pregnant !

    Is this just being lazy, is English your second language, or is this a form of texting/ebonics gone wrong, or are you just not too well educated?  Whatever, it appears that all of the above advise is good especially about continuing with education and setting goals.  If you are a citizen of the US, please use the services which we taxpayers provide.... 

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