    what is the first thing to do in making a video?

    0  Views: 673 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Have a subject in mind.

    You need to know everything you wish to include in your video so make some notes beforehand. This is called a screenplay or script. 


    What are your goals: Why are you making this video? What do you want to accomplish with it?Who is your audience? Get really specific about the target gropu of people who will move the piece forward for your organization. This will help you think about your distribution plan as well.What is the time frame and budget? Budget = money = time. Hint: try to get everyone at same location at same time to shoot one day of production, as budget affects gear and time frame.What do you want the viewers to do with the information given? How will you measure success?How will you share and/or use the finished film? Is it for an event, do you have a broadcast partner and it will air online, etc? This affects the type of equipment you need to use.What is your story? You are paring down a story to its bare minimum - what is that minimum that is also compelling to the audience?


    Press the record button.

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