    Length from a death to picking another partener after a wife's passing

    Wife died after 55 years loyal  service & wondering about getting a new partener. Very lonely now


    +4  Views: 1359 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    So sorry to hear of your loss - loneliness is awful - listen to what these guys have said hear - and I am sure your dear wife would not wish you to be lonely - take care and good luck.

    <below comment moved to where it goes>


    Karma: 675

    Thank you Tabber & all the others that took the trouble to try to help.

    Re Clu's problem with my statment on years of service, what would call a lifetime of first class attention in cooking, rearing a very well mannered family, helping with a busines all parceled with lots of love & affection & no agro

    14 Answers

    Its understandable that you are lonely after beeing married  for 55 years. Dont worry about what people think and go find someone you will be happy with .

    How sad and how lonely you must be. Go ahead and find a new partner, it's nobody else business......

    Follow your heart. I've been there, and it's your decision to make. Don't let others tell you what is right nor wrong. 

    'Til death do us part'.   So sorry for the death of your wife.  Very sad indeed.  Move on with your life.

    I am sorry for your loss. You should date only when you feel comfortable and ready to move on with your life. It is your decision only and no one else should pass judgement on what you decide to do. No one situation is the same and only you know what you have been through. But your life must go on as you choose it to.

    Fifty five .Long time .as Vinny says "Til death do us part " I presume you must in your late seventies.Why not join a  Social  club meet men in the same position as yourself .You will probely  find out tha`t they only want men `s company "Me" one woman only  No other would ever replace my wife ,after all those years If the club has "Dancing by all means ask a lady for a dance ,be friends .Say goodnight go home by yourself .

    Sorry to hear of your loss. I remember my mother saying when a friend lost his wife and  soon found a new partner that he should have waited until she was not 'still warm in her grave'. This is nonsense, there is no time limit, but don't rush in and don't try to find a carbon copy of your late wife

    Sorry about the loss of your wife. Without a doubt, there is a big void in the everyday things we often take for granted. I think everyone is different in exactly how they feel about trying to fill the void of a lost spouse of so many years. For that person will have been so much a part of everything, and your love will forever be with that person...I think that is almost inevitable.

    Perhaps the most important measuring stick of when and why you might seek the companionship of another, is what you feel in your heart, after having given yourself the time to grieve and heal within. What I mean by that is, will someone new leave you feeling that void is somewhat filled; or will it leave you feeling guilty of betraying a love you've had in your heart so many years. But also, will it leave you unfairly comparing someone new to the essence of your wife. These are probably the questions that only you can answer, and know within yourself when it is time to allow someone else into your life.

    At the end of the day, ultimately the answer can be found in what only you feel in your heart. That would also be a guide to whether you simply want a friendship, or another partner. In life, we all have our doubts about anything we do. But, you have lived to an age, that you shouldn't have someone else telling you when and what is proper...for your time left on earth doesn't come with do-overs, or re-doing. If someone tries to tell you otherwise, then perhaps they should be more focused on living their own life rather than trying to live yours for you. I hope this makes sense, and wish you the best regardless of what you choose to do.


    I'm not sure you want a partner. I think a housekeeper  is more what you need. I to have a problem with the years of service. What's up with that comment?

    Would it not be better to concentrate on making new friendships or maintaining those you already have, I understand loneliness is, and can be consuming if you let it, but solitude can be good for the soul, reflect on the happy years you had with your wife but stop looking for a replacement, I think her shoes are too big to fill  

    You decide when to cultivate a relationship. There is no rule or designated time for mourning or celibacy IN MOST CASES. 
    That "loyal service" sticks in my craw, too.  After 55 year of marriage, you've got to be in your 70s at the youngest.  I would just suggest you be careful about not leaving yourself vulnerable for someone who would take advantage of you financially.  Keep your assets to yourself. Sorry, but I'm cynical that way.

    Whatever you feel comfortable with . But, I gotta warn ya, people out there can be gossipy. Do what you have to do. It's rough living alone, or even living with an adult child after your spouse has died ----b/c it stills leaves a void of that someone special in your life who loves you. And she was your companion. Your kids have their own life. My husb died back in April 2000. It was a nightmare. My first date was in Jan of 2001. I dated a guy who I dated before my husb came along. 

    Your life Mate,you do what you believe to be right,,man was not meant to live alone..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Please don't be lonely.  Get somebody today if you can.  Life is short.  Thankfully you had so many great years with your wife.  Life is for the living.  As soon as you are able, get someone else.  God , bless you and your new partner.  We have over 20 million lonely people in America.  If you can avoid that do.

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