    what is wrong?

    +2  Views: 2270 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    what is wrong? How much time have you got?

    9 Answers

    Oh there is nothing wrong , our soldiers losing there lives in Ahghanistan, diplomats being assassinated, turmoil on the stock markets, banks going bust, more unemployment, more poverty etc. etc. etc, no, things are fine, there is nothing wrong. I'm alright Jack.





    Who is that, Vinny?
    It looks like Donald Sutherland, when he was much younger.

    It sure does look like Don to me, too.

    Yes, that's Donald Sutherland from the movie with Clint Eastwood; "Kelly's Heros' 1970. Great movie. has a little timline problem with it though, Donald plays 'Oddball' a hippy-- Problem is there were no hippies in WW2.

    Then that would make him the father of all hippies...or maybe a Bohemian. ;)

    Yeah, it would- When I think of 'father of all hippies' i think of John Lennon. Only John Lennon was a mere child during WW2. I think he was born in 1940- 1941. I love this movie and Donald really made it the move it is but the writers really messed this up. very 'vietnam era' for WW2. In 1944 the 'Zoot Suiters' were going out and the beatniks were coming in, it wasn't until the mid/late 60's the hippies showed up. All the beatnicks turned hippy.

    Funny you should mention Lennon...I was thinking about him last night and wondering, if he was alive, if he'd still be married to that talentless Yoko Ono. Surely he's have come to his senses and moved on.

    Yoko Ono is not talentless... she is unique. There are many ways to look and appreciate art. I have been to a lot of art galleries around the world. I have been to a lot of concerts, a lot of plays, musicals and ballets... Yoko Ono is not talentless.
    Donald Sutherland is very talented.

    Ummmm....won't argue the point with ya Fishie...we all have our own opinions of talent. :)

    I will argue the point! Ono is talentless! In music, I do believe everyone has a talent but hers is not in music. I really don't know what she excels in. John Lennon was very talented as a writer and musician, he had a precise understanding of theory and harmonies and he used them to his ability. Hate his politics though.

    Yup, definitely not right

    A politician with no right to be in the White House, that's what's wrong!


    Which one? BOTH!!!!


    Dad-- You better hope you will be wrong or you're in for a serious ride-- we need someone with business sense and fortitude to stand up and fight and not continue to apologize - He shows no respect for those that built this country and unfortunately, people on the Obama side are blinded by trendy likes and dislike. Think man! Think of where Obama is taking us. Think! If you win, we will continue spending, continue more private sector failures and continue losing jobs and eventually, the left will succeed in making this great country built on hard work and desire to be the best a weak nation of people totally dependant on the g'ment to take care of them and where is this money coming from?? Hard call becaue by that time, all big investors in this country would have pulled out, big corporate business would have left due to higher taxes and bureaucratic opposition to their cause, equalization of the people is not the answer, some people are just smarter than others, if the less smart would get a brain, we could uses these corporate smart heads to make this country back in power again. But this won't happen under Obama, he wants the USA to be liked and loved and all fuzzy feeling.. This is what will be our demise.

    I'm with you Vinny! Got to vote Obama out!

    You might want to dig a bit deeper than the person you can see on television.

    Fish, and where would you suggest we get the information? On the internet?? TV, newspapers, blogs and radio broadcast is all we have, and each of these are in the opinions of those that report on it. I get my information from TV and all means and ways, once i have this 'accumulated' information, I work on my own conclusions. If a person listens or reads from one source, they become the voice of that source, i refuse to lock my views on only one source of information.

    Ill tell you what is wrong,    you only have half a brain, while I must have the other half, answering this silly question.


    WEll I am glad I Didn`t Come to think of it half a brain is better than, none Some one once told me ? "Who ( wife )

    Wrong? I'm gaining weight and have deserved every ounce. I was losing before I moved here and doing just fine. Now I'm eating well and right and could kick myself..............



    I know, Fatty, fatty four by four, can't fit through the kitchen door...

    nice and catchy, but with PC crap, where can you use it today?

    jhhartan - I wish I could eat more - I'm sure you are just fine. Take breakfast like a Prince, lunch like a King and supper like a pauper.

    MOVE BACK???

    I will in a few months. Trouble is, I have to fit into the cloths I brought with me.....Thanks for not calling me "Fatty".........


    I prefer "Fluffy".....

    OK then "Fluffy" it is!


    Do fluffies Waddle?

    I'm beginning to but I think it's all in my head and butt.....

    millie111`ll get back on track!!;-)...(Better than being too skinny..anyday)!!;-)xx...(Hey..isn`t that a positive thing that you are "Eating Well"??...Sounds good to me)!!!:-)

    Is it "PC" to refer to heavier women as "soft women" or is that offensive?

    My ex in laws have landed on my door step with enough luggage for a year...I hardly have time to think at the moment....and I want to spend more time on here!!!!.....I wish they`d go!!...THAT`S WHAT`S WRONG!!!(Nb..@Dowsa....swap you your Mrs...ANY DAY!!!:-0..@Poppy...where in Lad Grove is your brother....Can I move in???!!!LOL!! xx


    millie 111 - just know how you feel - my flat is chaos as I want to move - not so simply. You are so funny (the ex bit sounds interesting) (or not) I would like the company especially a man to help move things, fix things, help basically. My brother unfortnately lives in a residential type home now off Cornwall Crescent - difficult to get to even the taxi men have trouble and would you believe I had to stop the car the first time I went and find somewhere to pee (nice) driving round and round, he used to live in Cromwell Crescent. Good luck, they'll go soon hopefully you know they would miss you I'm sure or sounds like they will want your undivided attention! and akaQA will still be here for you - I am only popping in and out at the moment - just up to my eyes in things to do or worrying about not doing.xoxo
    millie111`m on my way to Cornwall Crescent NOW!!(I know it well)!!!:-)..The Aliens have taken over here!...Everytime I go out for even 5 mins..I return to find that ano room has been changed still looking for the T.V.:-0...Last time I looked ..I swear it was screwed to the wall!!! they mean well)!;(...I`m just going MAD here!!(ie MORE MAD..if that`s possible)!!???!!(rhetorical question)...??You want to move??...You want to house swap by any remote chance??!!XX:->

    millie - you are just too funny and so inspirational but you should see this place - it's full of junk all 1,450 sq.ft. of it. I remember seeing a programme once with this America 30 something year old and she couldn't even invite her Sister - her place was so full of junk. Sounds serious - poor you - what the hell are they doing altering your surroundings, are they MAD. Oh dear feeling so sorry for you hope it turns out OK - try to keep your cool! and take care of youxx Cornwall Crescent - Oh dear don't go there - I am soon having to visit again - just another nightmare (notknowing where you are going when driving) I should have a SAT NAV, a new A-Z might help - to think I used to be all around London even lived in St James Gardens (working) years ago between Holland Park and Shepherds Bush but now live in down town Hackney for my sins - don't get out much these days and have zero visual spacial perception

    millie- there are in-laws and outlaws the difference is that outlaws are wanted!!! Good luck!

    @doolittle...LOL..Yes I KNOW!!:-)

    Hell Poppy..I`ll take on your 1,450 of "junk"..In exchange for my ghastly outlaws!;->..just sign on the dotted line..we could complete before noon!!!lol!:-? !!!;-)

    Not right, incorrect, lacking in veracity or morality. Discordant. Inappropriate. NOT OK.

    Example:  One way traffic flowing in an easterly direction.  You get in your car, turn onto that road, driving in a westerly direction.  You are going in a direction that is not conducive to the rest of the traffic and poses an imminent danger to all the motorists (including you).  This is WRONG.  You are going in the WRONG direction.  you are going in an INCORRECT direction.

    This head is in wrong direction !!


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