    why does it always rain everyday


    0  Views: 1177 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    You must actually live somewhere that receives more rain than I get here ...

    A) Prince Rupert

    B) Hartley Bay

    C) Port Alberni

    D) Ucluelet

    E) The Gitga'at Village

    F) Tofino (Who cares about the rain here.  It's fantastic)

    G) Port Renfrew

    H) Tavoy (Again, who cares.  This place looks wonderful)

    J) Kikori (Nice name and very green.  I bet it's great for the fish)

    K) Andagoya

    L) Bellenden Der Range (Australia, well you can't go wrong there!)

    M) Quibdo (Beautiful)

    N) Debundscha (Jungle!  Adventure!)

    O) Waialeale (Hawaii ... don't complain!)

    P) Mawsynram

    Q) Cherrapunji (India.  The wettest place on the planet Earth.  They even have a placard)

    R) Crkvica (Who knew?  The rainiest place in Europe)

    S) Lloro (This place is a 'must see')

    T) Seathwaite

    U) Emei Shan

    V) Tutendo

    W) Kukui

    X) Big Bog (Doesn't sound like much but it is)

    Y) Ureca, Bioko Island

    Z) Cropp at Waterfall ( One for New Zealand)

    Beyond Z ...

    Bowden Pen

    Little Port Arthur (Alaska .... Brrrrrr Cold and Wet)

    These are the rainest places on the planet Earth.  Which one do you live in?




    Wow, you've been everywhere!!

    I wish. I have a friend that lives in (A). I have been to (C) (D) (F) and (G). The rest are on my list!

    well Fishlet, C,D F &G sound great, I'm thinking Samoa or New Zealand may be next for me, Italy was a must but the language barrier may be a problem

    My own back yard is the next working vacation for me! Wow, there is a lot to do back there.

    There are 3 possible answers:  1) you're in the UK.  2)  you're feeling a bit down and 3) um... omg...i forget...  and this was the most important one!  i'm so sorry, i really should have put it first but i'm having a senior moment right now!!   but if is really bugging you, there are 3 possible solutions: 1) move 2) cheer up, 3) ...  er.... please come back in 3 weeks if  it's still a problem. 


    Yes HAS to be the U.K!!:(

    Perhaps you should consider moving from Brisbane , Australia to a drier climate , Miami maybe.


    Fairly dry in Brisbane too, but Miami sounds great anyway...wet or dry!

    according to "google" Brisbane is the rainest "spot on"earth.

    Not sure what Google say's,but Brisbane has been very dry, Tully in Queensland is is the place to be if you want wet,very pretty though,lots of beautiful green countryside and the coffee is amongst the best

    Only where you live.

    Lots of places hardly ever get rain.

    It's due to the geography of your location.

    Not here it doesn't, just ""out of winter and have the sprinklers on in an attempt to keep things alive


    Ohh..SO Lucky!!!;-)

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