    please translat this text from english to arabic

    Dear Anita


    It is with great pleasure that we outline your terms and conditions of employmentwith whisper spa based in the sawadi hotel – barka on the following terms :

    Title: spa manager.

    Date of employment: your employment will commence as soon as you sign the contract subject to clearance from the labour department and approvalof all government documents.

    Salary: you will be paid a salary of rial omani 250 (two hundred and fifty) as basic and rial omani 100 (one hundred )as allowance .

    The duration of this agreement shall be for a term of 24 calender months the first 3 months of this contract will be considered as probation period (during wich time either partymay give notice)

    Hours of work

    By law the employee is required to work nine hours a day and you will be

    Entitled to a break period 1hour during the nine hours.

    And 2days off work a week and it can 1 and 1 paid.

    Transportation and accommodation

    The company will provide the accommodation and the transportation.

    And company will provide asap the medical insurance.

    Annual leave

    The employee is eligble for paid leave as specified below as long as the employee meets the requirement of such leave .

    The employee is entitled of 15 working days of vacation leave during the first year will increase to 30 days the next year.

    Maximum of 6 days medical leave with pay during each year of contract


    The employee will receive…………………………..

    Termination of contract

    Any of the two part wish to terminate the contract without cause aftervthe probation period the two parts should give a notice for 30 days .

    Duties and responsibilities

    The employee shall attend to all duties directly or undirectly related to your job at the location stipulated by the employer .

    You will be responsible for spa cleaning standard staff duties and dealing with hotel management to increase spa business by selling packages.

    0  Views: 1306 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: work

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