1 Answer
How to Avoid GMO FoodsUntil more is known --- or until ANYTHING is known --- about the safety of GMO foods, those who want to steer clear of GMO-containing foods can do so by following these steps:
Look for foods labeled GMO-free. Today, almost all major brands have GMO ingredients. Foods that are GMO-free go out of their way to say so on the label. https://www.truefoodnow.org features a shoppers guide to brands that are GMO-free.
Buy organic foods. USDA regulations governing organic food do not permit genetically-modified fruits and vegetables, and organic meats cannot come from animals that were fed GMO crops. Eating organic is a much surer way to avoid GMO foods. Better yet, buying local organic foods further reduces the likelihood of GMO contamination.
Grow your own! Raise a portion of your vegetables at home. You can grow 10 vegetables in a 4'x4' plot using the easy micro garden system that I talked about last week. Sprouts are easy to grow indoors. Consider raising a few chickens (a simple "chicken tractor" allows even city-folk to harvest their own eggs, and chickens make a great "bio-organic composting machine." "Pigs with wings," we call them).
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