4 Answers
My cat runs to the food dish if I say "sneaky snack" or will come running if I say "I will pet you". "Good Dinner" means wet food time and he runs to the kitchen refrigerator. "Get down" means move your butt and he does..........
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
mycatsmom all my cats understand loads of words you do relize that when you are talking to a cat it will take a message and get back later
your nobody until you have been ignored by a cat
Dogs hae Masters and Cats have staff
isnt it wonderful how cats can win friends and influence people without ever reading a book!
A cat that lives with good family is used to being talked to all the time
The cat could very well be mans best friend, but would never stoop to admitting it
If cats could talk, perhaps we,d find it just as hard to get along with them as we do with people
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
My cat’s name is “Stupid Cat”. The name fits the cat brilliantly by being the very definition of it’s own name. I first named it "Suicide Sally” because she would walk into the driveway in front of any approaching car expecting it to stop. The screeching tires have replaced the need for a doorbell. I think she likes the sound the tires make and the people who run after her when the car stops. That cat thinks it’s all a game….stupid cat.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |