    If I were elected president, the first thing I would do.... (Finish the sentence with your own ideas.)

    What vision would you have for your own country, that would be an improvement over existing government.

    +7  Views: 4710 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    This is a great question and no surprise coming from Shootah!

    14 Answers

    Shut off all foreign aid and take care of our own people..


    Thats what we are trying to do in Britain,stop the scroungers,

    I would give everybody on a fixed income a short raise.....


    That's called a stimulus. It's been proven not to work. It could also be called a bailout and bailouts have been proven not to work (at the corporate level anyway).

    Okay, I'd just give me a

    Now that's the way of a true politician!

    thanks, Jh. I hope you get elected !!

    Your idea did work in Australia, every adult citizen was given $1000 AUD to do with whatever they wished, it did push the economy along regardless of negativity of 'she who can't be named'.

    Copy the recent act of the Australian President, have anyone not interested in "blending into the society" decide to use their "right" to move to another country.  This includes speaking the native language of this country, English.  Also, contributing to the welfare of this country, not looking to morph it into their homeland! 

    I would sign an executive order limiting every member of Congress to two terms, reduce their "stipend" to match the gross annual income of middle America, and require them to pay into Social Security and obey every law the basic citizen is expected to obey, including where and how their health insurance is received. 

    I would stumble all over myself while cursing a string of obscenities landing in a steaming pile of dog do….well, what do you expect? Some sort of divine revelation? The office of POTUS is the most misunderstood position by voters in the US. I feel sorry for anyone in that position because it is necessary to rely upon the opinion and integrity of others at every turn. There atop a pyramid possibilities every issue is a 2-edged sword and every step a pitfall or precept. The position of POTUS is that of a tool, who is a guiding Light, held in the hands of a throng of like minded folk whose collective abilities are how they are seen by all. The POTUS serves all, well or not so well as we choose with our vote.            

    If i was the president of my country the first priority would be to impose tariffs on imported goods  so manufacturing plants stay viable in my country.Second on list stop large amounts of government  funds being  allocated  to overseas aid, and use those funds to repair and upgrade our hospitals , schools, infrastructure and give pensioners a proper benefit to live on. By imposing tariffs it safeguards our country's manufacturing and rural industries.The results being lower unemployment , less overseas debt and the money stays at home  

    This is like the Tony Bennet song......" If I ruled the World........."    Seriously, I would get rid of the electoral college, b/c there is no need for it and it has tipped elections unfairly.

    would sneak some hot young intern into the Oval Office, like Bill did...only he'd be a male. No, not HIM! ""

    Develop a peace council to end wars and nuclear proliferation. I am 200% against any kind of war. Global warming, clean  energy, air pollution (causes lung cancer) would be high on my list.  Get people educated and job ready to take jobs now and in the future.  Many jobs are available, but people don't have the skills.  One long street in my city has all foreigners working the high tech jobs because not enough Americans are getting the right education.  Make it a frigin crime to filibuster important issues that pertain to the health & well being of the American people.  Example many bills about 382, we sent to the Republicans to vote into law.  They hate the president so much they did not vote for one single bill.  It took the president about a year to realize he was talking to a wall when speaking to republicans in office.  That should be against the law.  Most importantly they voted against fixing the infrastructure in the country, (bridges and highways etc.)  which meant over a million jobs for the middle class.  They are babies that need to grow up.  And then they cry about high unemployment. never seeing that before obama 700,000 jobs were being lost a month.  If that would have continued we would all be looking silly and hungry right now.  That why President Clinton, and many economist say we cannot stand 4 more years of bush economics.   Any body that cannot see that are voting against their own and their parent's own best interest.  Now that's therapy time when you vote against your own interest, like they did for Governor Walker who got rid of collective bargening.  God help us.

    The first thing I would do is charge Barack Hussien Obama with treason against the United States of America, starting with his apology to Libya for Reagan bombing them for holding US citizens hostage and then sending American money to support their revolution on their government causing even more hate and attacks on American. Then I would charge him with treason for allowing a US embassy to get attacked and not allowing Americans to defend themselves or allowing the military to defend American lives and property to the result of 4 dead Americans, killed by terrorists who invaded and attacked on American soil. Then I would charge him with treason for going against the US Constitution and the will and the right of the people for forcing Obamacare on America when the citizens have said NO! to it. This is the actions of a dictator and a dictator does not belong in a Democratic society. If I could, I would charge all Obama supporters with treason for voting the evil dictator on for another four years to push his unconstitutional will onto people who oppose his will. 


    Thank God your not President then,

    Who's god are you thanking? The god of the Muslim brotherhood that he's in bed with?

    What else would you do besides attacking this one President. What about others. Looks like you dont have a chance of becoming a Pres. because you will do nothing for the people - just read what you said.

    Hey Sawali, are you paying attention to the world outside your own mind? Let's narrow it down some, are you paying attention to what's going on in the USA right now? That man in the White House is on a fast track to being impeached for exactly what I outlined. By the way, what I said would help all of human kind, not just Americans.

    Got my vote

    As expected you did not answer the question but continued your bashing. WHAT WILL YOU DO FOR THE PEOPLE.

    I would have Obama prosecuted. That's what I would do for the people. There. Question answered. Boy you're grumpy. Plus, this is Shoota's question, not yours so I do not have to answer you. Also, you're not one of my constituents you're not even American, still don't have to answer you :P

    By the way, I'm not bashing. I'm speaking the truth about an inept man in the White House. Have you read US news lately? Even Pierce Morgan, who once had a love affair with the fake messiah in the White House has changed his tune and is now against him.

    ....and yet people love him- they reelected him for the2nd term. So what people are you talking about - the minute minority I guess.

    Really, pay attention. We all know the majority did not vote for him. If you want to believe the lies of his administration, that's your problem. Though I'm sure it matters not to you since you are Canadian and follow a religion Obama follows while he pretends to be Christian. Ohio now looks more and more like it was stolen, especially now with the IRS scandal. We know that the states who reported that 110% of their people voted for him, lied. 110%? Makes sense only to people with their heads in the sand. And guess what, surprise, surprise, they are finding people who voted for him 5, 10, 20 times. Many of them illegals who were not eligible to vote. Not everyone loves him, many are turning away from him. You truly believe I'm the only one who does not like him and does not find anything good about his agendas? Read what others on this forum have to say about him. Only the non Americans here support him because they do not know any better. All the Americans that I see posting about him here do not like him or his policies. The man is a killer, he let Americans die. Facebook is filled with people screaming for his impeachment. It's all coming out, he is going down. The majority are sick to death of his lies and the lies of his administration. So, what people am I talking about? At this point, 50% (I believe it's more) of this country want him out of office.

    Monday, May 20, 2013 9:24 Stunner: Look How Many Want Obama Impeached
    Half Of America Wants Obama Impeached

    Even Democrats join surge of dissatisfaction in unprecedented numbers

    The media who use to back him and protect him are all beginning to mention impeachment. You do not live here. You have no clue. Stay out of American business unless you can learn to use the internet to find the facts that your media will not give you. The internet is not just for you to come here and make yourself look uninformed by speaking of things you know nothing about.

    Colleen,shootah is asking about vision for country. Bashing a predecessor or impeaching is hardly vision. May be narrow vision. You may want to rethink the answer.

    You may go find something else to do. I'm not changing an answer I posted 6 months ago to appease you. My answer stands whether you like it or not. Speaking the truth is not bashing. Take a look at the 3 scandals. They back up what I've said. Now, stop harassing just because you do not like my answer. Harassing is not allowed on akaQA.

    Obama's new dictum is that he's going to revoke the contents of vending machines. He's not going to allow them to have munchies or candy.

    Thank God we don't have to put up with this crap anymore, made me sick to read it.

    Really ugly, wasn't it...and you can find tirades against anyone who questioned or disagreed. Name calling and personal attacks without restraint. I've never understood how anyone could have admired or gotten sucked into her sewer of disdain. Makes me shiver...

    And 'some' would still say "Welcome back. We've missed you". Thank goodness the insults and accusations have stopped....for the most part. It's always my hope that the 'unhappy insulters' go away and stay away.

    Didn't she burn some bridges?
    I'd love to know where some of the members have gone who used to be fairly active....lambshank, Doolittle, Ann, Ed Shank, to name a few. Any way you and python lover can contact them and invite them back in a generic way?

    Maybe PL can. I don't have members' emails. Never wanted them. I have never threatened members via emails....I just use my delete button. :)

    Thanks, Ducky. Guess you wouldn't make an effective dictator.

    Thank you. :)

    I wondered what happened to her but now I'm getting some insite, was it her choice to leave??

    and I would stop letting all these moochers in without the proper documentation. And I would make the media  stop called them " immigrants "

    I don't care if they come into the country thru the proper channels.

    If I were President, I would file a chapter 13, start making knew money and give each person that is a citizen of the US $10,000 to spent---not save.


    What would you back this new money up with? Right now our money is backed up by creditors that we owe. File chapter 13 and no more creditors and nothing to back up the paper money you print. The money would have no value, it would not be accepted outside of the USA, so we would quickly become one of the poorest nations on the planet. Don't run for president.

    the U.S. has been printing worthless paper money for years, lorraine.That's what causes inflation.

    Considering i am against political correctness,,i would inject common sense back into health and safety,,,concentrate on import and export figures,,close the immigration borders to anybody that does not come through the proper channels,until the country's finances and infrastructure can afford more immigration,and cut our foreign policy to countries that do not use the money to help the people of their country..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<.. 


    Good thoughts! IOU TU

    Supprimerez les syndicat et donnerais la libertée aux  travailleurs de decider eux méme leurs choix.Ensuite la prison a vie aux violeurs et assassins de femmes et enfants.

    Rendre aussi tout le monde responsable des cochonnerie qu'ils rejettent .Nettoyage de l'environnrment des l'age scolaire. et a etre respectieux de la sociétée


    Will remove the trade union and would give libertée the workers to decide them even their choices. Then the prison has life with the rapists and assassins of women and children.\n\nTo also make everyone responsible for the rubbish which they reject. Cleaning of environnrment as of the school age. and has respectieux to be sociétée

    (Did a Babylon translation for the English speakers in the group)

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