    husband told me that he cheated and the is girl pregnant just shocked i pulled him out the door almost but then i left for a walk then he says that he is joking i dont belive him we r having problems and we not having sex what kind of husband tells jokes like that to his wife and now i just dont feel right i notice his sleeping patterns have changed i am hurting could he just testingme cuz he just may be thinking that he ready leave me and he is being so nice what up with that ha ha i not bor

    0  Views: 380 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    Looking at the rest of your questions here, can you please tell me why you are still married? I do not want to hear about your husband. I want to know why you have not left him. If you stay, you deserve him. Stop posting your complaints about him here.

    Thank you.. Colleen for being truthful.. so.. I should be the same onto myself in what i truly deserve for me god bless

    You got it. Treat yourself as God would treat you ;)

    1 Answer

    You need councilling sweetheart .. do you not have a friend to talk to on facebook or over the phone.

    I don't know what your Husband is thinking and there are always 2 sides to every story.

    Relationships are no walk in the park they are hard work.

    It sounds like you need to decide if you want to stay with him, we can all give you advice but at the end of each day the decision lays entirely in your hands.

    If my partner were behaving in such a way I would re access my relationship and if it was not meeting my needs nor my partners I would be seriously considering a single life...

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