5 Answers
George Bush.
Those who criticize the cost of Obama’s Christmas vacation don’t want you to know that George W. Bush spent at least $20 million taxpayer dollars just on flights to his ranch in Crawford.
The right wing has been outraged at the four million dollar plus price tag for Obama’s family Christmas vacation, and they constantly hold George W. Bush up as an example of how thrifty a president should be when going on vacation.
The problem is that W. wasn’t thrifty. He was the most expensive vacation president in US history. Not only did Bush spend more days on vacation than any other president, but he used Air Force One more often while on vacation than any other president.
During Bush’s two terms, the cost of operating Air Force One ranged from $56,800 to $68,000 an hour. Bush used Air Force One 77 times to go to his ranch in Crawford, TX. Using the low end cost of $56,800, Media Matters calculated that each trip to Crawford cost taxpayers $259,687 each time, and $20 million total for Bush’s ranch flights.
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
George Bush was also in office for eight years and Obama has not finished his first term yet.
Personally, I wish you guys would actually have candidates running for office that are not there because they have more money than the next guy. I have no faith in one single thing I read involving American politics... quit dragging the rest of us into war. Standing beside America is becoming a threadbare quilt. Old, faded and something we would like to donate to charity.
When the American public vote a president into power that does not favour Canada, Canadians suffer and yet, we still stand beside you in war.
You must also remember that every large power rises and falls.
That is fact not fiction.
Your government gave up it's manufacturing power to those across a great big pond. Time is 'A Changin' and you shop at Walmart. Where is your coffee maker made?
I am leaving the last word to you because I don't feel like arguing today. It is bad for my creativity.
I find this question difficult to answer because of inflation. It's the same as saying some movie is the top grossing of all time. If it cost a dime to go to a movie 60 years ago and $10 today, there is an obvious discrepancy and the "value" of the movie should be based not on dollars, but patronage.
Same with presidential vacations. Put them in some sort of time warp economy and calculate from there.
I'm sure each successive president will spend more than the next. I'm not a fan of Obama at all, and I don't think he's done one positive thing for the USA, but that is just my opinion. I have been disappointed for years by our leadership on all levels.
I agree with Fishlet about money buying positions.
And I believe everyone's vacations should be on their OWN dime.
My former boss, an elected county official, received a beautiful calendar from one of our state senators. I was wondering WHO paid for the publication of those calendars and why I didn't get one, too.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Obama and it only took him 3 years to beat what Bush cost the tax payers in 8 years.
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Through 3 years of Barack Obama’s presidency, the federal government has spent $10.6 trillion. Projections for 2012 show that government spending for Obama’s full term in office will reach $14.4 trillion.
If Obama is elected for a second term, estimates project that he would have $30.4 trillion in spending over both terms.
Read more http://www.kgbanswers.com/which-us-president-has-spent-the-most-money-including-obama/7408024#ixzz25nbqwLJX
No I don't judge you. I am only pointing to your lack of knowledge on what G. Bush left for Obama. Yes he had to spend the trillions toSAVE USA not anything bigger than that. He tried giving the American Universal HealthCare but got tough time doing so. And you say what he did for your people? Do a comparison of the two presidents objectively. This is not personal Colleen.
He did not give the US people universal health care. It is NOT heath care. It's a TAX and a dictated piece of legislation that forces Americans to buy it or get fined for not buying it. It's a money maker so Obama can spend more money. That's all it is. He had no business playing dictator. That tax bill will continue to be fought until it is removed!
What has Obama done for the people of the USA?
Let me show you...........
• 23 million Americans are out of work, have stopped looking for work, or are underemployed
• $16 trillion national debt (that’s $50,000 for every American)
• 43 straight months of 8% or higher unemployment
• 4 straight trillion dollar budget deficits in a row -- more than any other president combined
You do not live here. You are not suffering under Obama's failed economic recovery. Something that still does not exist. You know nothing other than what your media reports to you. They know only what our media feeds them. I do not listen to our media because it lies and white washes and supports a lame duck president. Stay out of the USA politics. Obama does not concern you or your livelihood. Stick to your own politics. You don't see me sticking my nose in your country telling you who to support, do you? Go away and worry about your own politics. Stay out of mine. You know nothing.
I gave you an even better link, though I really didn't need to. You're Canadian. Neither Bush nor Obama concern you. The only time Obama needs to concern you is if he says we are going to war against Canada for having nosy citizens who stick their nose into USA politics and parrot democratic propaganda. I do not see that happening so still, Obama does not concern you.
You making this statement "you only judge people by "what have you done for me lately" is judging me. I am a giver, not a taker and you still know nothing!
I liked the Obama family well enough, I suppose. But then Michelle started all this business of wanting to be a movie star. When the Academy Awards were given, Michelle in her glitter gown gave the prize. It seems she wants to hang with the stars. Jennifer Aniston ... oh, others. I've heard she wants to move to a multi million dollar house on the coast - in the land of stars. Ugh. She plays the role of a health-crazed mama. She dances and and exercises and gives her ideas on the talk shows ... all of them. She seems to overshadow her husband. How can he do his job and put up with her antics?
How is Obama Care going? I know our medicines cost a lot more. Maybe that's just inflation.
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Here's an update on ObamaCare: My mom and I just bought an inexpensive condo in Fresno. In signing the documents, one of them specifically states that, should the condo be sold, we agree to GIVE 3-3 1/2% of the sales price to the government for healthcare. SERIOUSLY.
I can’t afford a vacation. We can’t even afford to go to the movies! (Well, maybe once a month ... no more)
MO, Ugh.
In the grand scheme of things, vacation expenses are trivial. What's NOT so trivial is electing a dimwit to lead the country. I have nothing against mental midgets per se, but when they are put into positions that they are not qualified for, by people with vested interests that are best served by a gopher, it becomes very problematic.
W.Bush's 8 years were a disaster. History will only make the poor sap look more cloddish than most people think he is today.
11 years ago. Rating: 1 | |