    how can I get my hip and back fixed with no money

    0  Views: 612 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    try applying for welfare, medic-aid, disability ......whatever works. Unfortuneately , it takes about a year to get on disability, But, when you get medic aide with it. And that pays for your surgery and hospitalizations. If you wait another year or two, everybody is supposed to have " free " health care.......according to Obama.

    Sounds like a job for the Messiah-- Super President, Obama.. But you'll need to be a usa citizen and young enough to be productive in the new socialized America-- if you're a senior, forget it, he won't fix you, you're too old and the money spent by the g'ment according to article 216 would be wasted as your productive years are behind you. ~we~ older people will not benefit from Obama's free healthcare.. But we old people will continue to pay for it.. (its not free)   

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