    meaning of Jesus Christs teaching resist not evil

    0  Views: 910 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    He didn't say to not resist evil. He said to resist evil. He taught us how to pray. In the Lord's prayer, it said  " lead us NOT into temptatation, but deliver us from evil "

    Resistance simply slows progress allowing intent to build whereas doing nothing gives the evil-doer a win without effort. Intention builds in the mind of the evil-doer only if there is resistance to such deeds.  Sensibility, then personal morality vanish with rising intention to rain terror and harm upon its victim who expresses resistance to the approaching monster.  The more resistant the victim, the stronger the attack and the greater the damage.

    But there are defences that obliterates intention to harm in an evil rain of hell upon their victims.    Thank you…Thank you. That very unexpected proclamation of appreciation is so disarming. Bystanders should applaud and shout Thank You! Throw money and flowers. The shock of receiving welcoming accolades when expecting resistance to an enraged attack is the most shocking thing you can do. Thank you for asking.


    You completely misunderstand my question.
    I asked what is the meaning of Jesus Christs
    resist not evil.I did not ask for your meaning
    of how to combat evil with evil.

    prairedog, You completely misunderstood my answer You asked for the meaning of “resist not evil” …….To clarify;

    meaning |ˈmēniNG|
    what is meant by a word, text, concept, or action: the meaning of the word “supermarket” | it was as if time had lost all meaning.
    • implied or explicit significance: he gave me a look full of meaning.
    • important or worthwhile quality; purpose: this can lead to new meaning in the life of older people.
    adjective [ attrib. ]
    intended to communicate something that is not directly expressed: she gave Gabriel a meaning look.
    not know the meaning of the word informal behave as if unaware of the concept referred to or implied: “Humanity?” You don't know the meaning of the word!
    meaningly adverb
    ORIGIN late Middle English: verbal noun from mean1.

    resist |riˈzist|
    verb [ with obj. ]
    withstand the action or effect of: antibodies help us to resist infection.
    • try to prevent by action or argument: we will continue to resist changes to the treaty.
    • succeed in ignoring the attraction of (something wrong or unwise): she resisted his advances | I couldn't resist buying the blouse.
    • [ no obj. ] struggle against someone or something: without giving her time to resist, he dragged her off her feet.
    a resistant substance applied as a coating to protect a surface during some process, for example to prevent dye or glaze adhering.
    resister noun,
    resistible adjective,
    resistibility |riˌzistəˈbilətē|noun
    ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French resister or Latin resistere, from re- (expressing opposition) + sistere ‘stop’ (reduplication of stare ‘to stand’). The current sense of the noun dates from the mid 19th cent.

    not |nät|
    1 (also n't joined to a preceding verb)used with an auxiliary verb or “be” to form the negative: he would not say | she isn't there | didn't you tell me?
    • used in some constructions with other verbs: [ with infinitive ] : he has been warned not to touch | the pain of not knowing | she not only wrote the text but also researched the photographs.
    2 used as a short substitute for a negative clause: maybe I'll regret it, but I hope not | “Don't you keep in touch?” “I'm afraid not.” | they wouldn't know if I was telling the truth or not .
    3 used to express the negative of other words: not a single attempt was made | treating the symptoms and not the cause | “How was it?” “Not so bad.”
    • used with a quantifier to exclude a person or part of a group: not all the poems are serious.
    • less than (used to indicate a surprisingly small quantity): the brakes went on not ten feet from him.
    4 used in understatements to suggest that the opposite of a following word or phrase is true: the not too distant future | not a million miles away.
    • informal, humorous following and emphatically negating a statement: that sounds like quality entertainment—not.
    [a usage popularized by the film Wayne's World .]
    noun (often NOT) Electronics
    a Boolean operator with only one variable that has the value one when the variable is zero and vice versa.
    • (also not gate )a circuit that produces an output signal only when there is not a signal on its input.
    adjective(often Not )Art
    (of paper) not hot-pressed, and having a slightly textured surface.
    not at all 1 used as a polite response to thanks. 2 definitely not: “You don't mind?” “Not at all.”
    not but what archaic nevertheless: not but what the picture has its darker side.
    not half see half.
    not least see least.
    not quite see quite.
    not that it is not to be inferred that: I'll never be allowed back—not that I'd want to go back.
    not a thing nothing at all.
    not very see very.
    ORIGIN Middle English: contraction of the adverb nought.

    evil |ˈēvəl|
    profoundly immoral and malevolent: his evil deeds | no man is so evil as to be beyond redemption.
    • (of a force or spirit) embodying or associated with the forces of the devil: we have been driven out of the house by this evil spirit.
    • harmful or tending to harm: the evil effects of high taxes.
    • (of something seen or smelled) extremely unpleasant: a bathroom with an evil smell.
    profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, esp. when regarded as a supernatural force: the world is stalked by relentless evil | good and evil in eternal opposition.
    • a manifestation of this, esp. in people's actions: the evil that took place last Thursday.
    • something that is harmful or undesirable: sexism, racism, and all other unpleasant social evils.
    the evil eye a gaze or stare superstitiously believed to cause material harm: he gave me the evil eye as I walked down the corridor.
    the Evil One archaic the Devil.
    put off the evil day (or hour )postpone something unpleasant for as long as possible.
    speak evil of slander: it is a sin to speak evil of the king.
    evilly |ˈēvəl(l)ē|adverb,
    evilness noun
    ORIGIN Old English yfel, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch euvel and German Übel .

    You completely misunderstand my question.

    I asked what did Jesus Christ mean by resist not evil.

    I did not ask how to resist evil with evil.


    You asked the meaning of Jesus's teaching to "resist NOT evil " He NEVER taught that .

    Karma: 0

    You completely misunderstand my question.

    I asked what did Jesus Christ mean by resist not evil.

    I did not ask how to resist evil with evil.

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