    what is gall bladder surgery

    0  Views: 588 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Depends on the severity of the illness.

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    It is an abdominal surgery in which they intend on removing your gall bladder, which is attached to your liver.  This may be able to be done with a few small incisions, better than a general abdominal surgery with a larger incision which has a more difficult recovery.   You will do fine, and likely will have to have an altered died afterwards.  As you will not be able to store and supply bile which aids with the digestion of fats. 

    Gall bladder surgery is called cholecyctectomy - removal of the gall bladder which is a reservoir for bile which has a duct which dispels some bile into the intestine to deal with fats - when it is removed the liver takes over. The surgery can be done in two ways - incision on the right side of the abdomen under the breast area the other way being keyhole surgery which Doctors are more proficient at of late. The initial thing is to establish if the gall bladder needs to be removed i.e. are there gall stones present (usually giving a lot of pain when consuming fat) - a large percentage of the population have gall stones present at post mortem but they have never been bothered by them. The only reason to operate on the gall bladder is to remove it. It is usually a suscessful operation but be careful with the keyhole surgery although a quicker recovery - make sure the surgeon is proficient at this. I had my gallbladder out when I was forty via abdominal incision and went back to work after ten days. See my previous answer on this - good luck - you will be fine, if you are in need of this op.

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