    is it harmful to swallow urine

    is it harmful to swallow drops of your wife's urine?

    0  Views: 1284 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    urine is normally sterile. So, it's not harmful, if you don't drink  too much of it.. And only do it in an emergency. That guy that got his arm trapped between boulders said he drank his own urine  . And he cut off his own arm at the joint to save his life. There's a book and a movie about him.  I wouldn't make a habit of drinking yours or anyone else's urine.

    first filter through a Reverse Osmosis Water Filter or distilled.

    Urine should never be drank unfiltered or "straight":  Says one internet source.

    I doubt a couple of drops here and there is going to harm you. 

    Not hardly, just keep the cups out of it........

    Watched a drunk chug a lug a half bottle before he realized what it was. He's still alive.

    Not  your own ,

    Somebody played a trick on me when I was young and though that it was orang juice and took a big cabb of it nearly choke me yuck!!! wont be doing this again. some people do anything for a laugh,haha well as was pretty piss off with his stupid joke.

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