    Divorceed woman working under the table

    What can be done about an ex-wife that works under the table, and does not pay federal or state taxes, or into social security and what can be done about the clowns that are hiring it who don't payinto social security or workers comp. This causes everybody else taxs to increase unfairly.

    0  Views: 488 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    You need to get over your bitterness and move on in life. Stop stalking your ex wife and stop trying to play whistle blower before she hauls your butt back into court for harassment. 


    Wow for your information madame my ex was the stalker and it sounds like you have plenty of experience in this area from your own personal experience. Obviously you condone income tax evasion, which is a criminal offense. I can see you are obviously a real authority on being a Freeloader. No wonder your husband dumped your big butt. The harassment is the other way around you simpleton.. Get a Life since you probably don't pay taxes either. You ought to be busted as well for not paying income taxes and for condoning illegal tax evasion. Are you going to haul me in for harassment now joker, before you choke on all
    the BS you are espousing. I asked for an answer, not a bunch of Hod wash from some fake that condones illegal tax evasion. You best be checking your hind end, because it seems you are full of it and it is apparently seeping out your mouth. If you don't have anything logical and worth hearing, as far as I'm concerned you ought to keep your big loose tray shut. You just stuck your foot in it, hopefully the will do the tick for you. I think your response is very gullible harassment and a bunch of BS!!! I will consider the source, totally worthless!! and your ill founded comments the same!! Obviously a person like you would condone and encourage Fraud and Perjury under oath as well. Does that also mean that you believe murder should be legal and nobody should notice of say anything about it out of fear of being accused of be bitter by you of someone like you if they exist who has as far as I am concerned no Moral or Ethical Integrity what so ever. Get a clue, you are up in the night!!

    Actually, no, I do not have personal experience in this area. I do have life smarts however. I do not condone income tax evasion but legally more proof is needed other than, "I think someone is working under the table". If you have the proof, contact the IRS and the fair business practices dept of your state attorney general. You do not know me and to say my husband dumped my big butt just makes you childish and laughable, especially to the members here who know me. I will not haul you in for harassment, I leave that to your ex wife. You are not harassing me, you are just acting like a kid who got his feelings hurt. You'll get over it if you want to. If not, you can live in your own self made cesspool of hate. I'm not fake at all, I am very real and I see life through real eyes, not angry "get even" eyes. You've distorted your reality with your hatred of your ex wife and this get even vendetta. You posted only a tiny portion of your story. You left the rest up to the reader to come to their own conclusions as to what is really going on and what really went on to cause your marriage to fail. You were 50% of your marriage and seeing your attitude and your condescending manner, I can understand why your wife left you. Apparently the courts agreed with her because you are paying alimony. Illogical people never see logic, which is why you missed the logic in what I said. Stop trying to find ways to harass her and move on with your life. You need to go seek some counseling. The rage and vile temper you show here leaves me to worry for your ex wife. Stop stalking and harassing her. Do not come to a free forum and get all enraged when someone does not fall for your,, "feel sorry for me" whiny complaints because you have to pay alimony. Man up and seek legal recourse if you truly believe and HAVE THE PROOF that she is somehow breaking the law.

    Now, anymore outbursts like this one above and you will be removed from this forum.

    You can choose to ignore your ex wifes illegal monetary gains, or you can choose to put her in to the authorities. Somehow i think you will choose the latter.

    John, take a step back, Colleen made good points for you to explore.  Take it or not, however, do yourself a favor and check how it appears that you went off on a stranger,  trying to help you with an answer.  This must have been a very bitter divorce, but do not let it ruin your life.  Get some support with counseling as needed.  Your quick temper suggests some anger management issues.  Good luck and take care of yourself first, worry about your ex and her actions second! 

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