    obama's birth

    0  Views: 853 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Still up in the air. I think he was hatched in Kenya. 


    I don't know...Only Doolittles' are hatchlings...he is MUCH better than Romney regarding caring for animals but Obama just doesn't cut it as a Doolittle :)

    non si dice covato , ma concepito in kenia . sua madre non è una gallina , solo gli uccelli covano . ciao , non mi piace obama , preferisco ramney anche perchè letterman lo fa vedere spesso con il cane sul tettuccio dell0auto . ciao

    Dico nati perché lo vedo come meno che umano, non ha sentimenti e la compassione per le persone che conduce. Io lo vedo come qualcosa di nati dal male. Ci sono modi diffenet che schiusa possono essere usati nella lingua inglese. L'ho usato come merophore. Se è possibile leggere o tradurre inglese, quindi si prega di post in inglese qui. Utilizzare un traduttore come faccio io. Romney non è meglio di Obama. Il male stesso, ma con un volto diverso. Non votare per uno dei due. Scriverò in un voto per Ron Paul.

    Colleen, where'd you learn how to speak ( write) spanish, or Italian like that ? !

    Google translator.

    Really?  Really?  People are still talking about this?  At this point it's a little bit late!


    Not really. If he manages to get in again and if we vote for a republican majority in the house/congress, then they can investigate further and impeach him for being an importer.

    If they find out he is not a US citizen.

    He and anyone who knew and helped to put him in position to be president will be tried for treason.

    However, He may be a US citizen afterall

    I'll never believe it but I'm sure if he's not, the truth will remain hidden or we will forever have a blemish historically with the 44th president being an importer and the greatest joke ever played on the American people.

    I answered this a minute ago in "obama's origin' but it was deleted!

    Obama's origin is still up for debate.  Some say Kenya, some say Hawaii, there was a birth certificate that finally came forward but this too is under debate on its authenticity.  My question is not so much where he was born but where are all his school chums, how come there is no known record of him? No friends come forward and talk about how they know him?? Where are these people that know him? This man appeared the first time on national TV during the 2004 DNC, from that point on, he was the new messiah..  A great speaker and charisma-- Promising change and hope.  This is a scary thing how millions of people will stand behind a guy that they don't know, never heard of and bow to him as the coming of Christ. Very frightening.    Without naming-- look at history, you will see this same phenomena many times.  Be careful people of who you trust, they are not always what they seem to be.

    My name is Vinny and I approve this message! 




    Just so you know, I did not delete it.

    I just though it was a dupe so you/someone kicked it out. No problem, I retyped it all from memory.. Uh, yeah memory. :) Of course its completely different though.. LOL

    LOL, is it at least better than the first typing?

    What first typing??

    When you posted it before.

    Vin, if you were his friend, would you now admit it? I wouldn't... And you are correct, they will still vote for him? They don't get it!!!

    Bustieone: (I like that name) A person that went through 12 years of school, then college, then attain a law degree plus old friends that he 'hung out' with there must be ONE person that would come forth and say, 'yeah, I went to school with Obama' if only for the publicity of being the first person. How about girlfriends? He did meet Michelle, is she the only G/F he ever had?? How about teachers? where are they? Anyone that can come forth and say that they know Obama from before he was president? He was never elected to congress, he was assigned, how's that Have you ever seen any old photographs of his early political campaign years?? 'Obama for congress" I mean a real one? He did state in his book he worked for a short while in some big corporation, his mother said he was working for the enemy.. This is in his book. He dislikes big business and successful business people. This is totally against the american way and this stranger comes in and changes it, supported by many voters that also hate the successful because they are too lazy to try and make it themselves and also Obama's promise of hope and change. Their idea of hope and change is the subliminal message that they can continue on being derelicts and we taxpaying Americans will support them and their drug and alcohol habits and give them free healthcare when their habits make them sick.. Not me, I will not vote for this guy.. (my president)

    Wasent. he a Community Organizer in Chicago before he entered the Senate? This is how he met Michele, his wife. His past, is still a mystery after almost 5 years. They carefully planned his entrance into politics. He was also associated with the radical Organization Acorn.

    Ann, 'supposedly' I had heard he met his wife Michelle at Yale, he did have involvement with Acorn. Chicago. Have any of these people come forth?? do you see any pictures with him at an acorn hdqrs?? All of this came out after he was 'appointed' to congress. In which he was absent more than attending. Michelle was banned from practicing law. (dis-barred)1993 for insurance fraud. The liberals would say she gave it up voluntarily.. Actually she was disbarred and didn't fight it so the libs say she gave it up. Regardless though, she too is a crook.

    Vinny, I like your sense of humor :-D

    My first two Children were born in Germany and I was married to an American . The Children automaticially became US Cititzens, while I did not.  Woulnd it be the same for Obama, who was born in Hawai and his father was a Kenyan Cititzen that Obama autonmaticially became an Kenyan Cititzen? That is something to think about.


    I would also think so, Ann. Good point.

    Prove he was born in Hawaii. Do not use the bogus birth certificate as proof please. Also, explain to me if he was born in Hawaii and it could somehow be proved, why is his Social Security number from Connecticut?

    yes too many inconsistencies nothing adds up, not like it happens that there is one thing that doesn't make sense, but his entire trail is fishy!

    You do not have to get a Social Security # until you are five years of age.

    But the card you get comes from the state you reside in. Obama nor any of his family ever lived in Connecticut.

    Colleen, what is the proof, that his Social Security Nr. came from Ct.? Obamas mother was 18 yrs. old when she supposedly gave birth to Obama in Hawai.

    Ann, I forgot to address this the other day:

    "Woulnd it be the same for Obama, who was born in Hawai and his father was a Kenyan Cititzen that Obama autonmaticially became an Kenyan Cititzen?"

    The USA does not recognize dual citizenship so if Obama was born in the USA, then his parents would have had to give up his US citizenship in order for him to be a citizen of Kenya.

    I dont think his father was a US. Citizen at the time.I cant acess yourlink.

    It came out that Obamas' grandmother worked at a ss office in HI, and chose a number from a deceased person for him, so happens, from CT. You can tell the state by the prefix numbers of your ss#, I am RI, it is 036. It is inferred that she knew that there would be a problem with getting him one, and the pieces fit together with this investigation!

    Ann, I'm not following you. My point is Obama could not have dual citizenship. His father's citizenship does not matter.

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    Wiki-pedia can only go on what is the government's accepted version of his birth certificate. It still does not validate the birth certificate to many because there are still too many holes in the story of his life and too many questions left unanswered.

    What's more important where he was born or where he is living now..

    his own grandma in Kenya said she was there at his birth in Kenya


    you would think they would have silenced her too!

    Well, I think he's an American citizen. For one thing, the  whole birther issue would have ot be a conspiracy and most conspiracies are bunk because of the number of people that would have to be involved and the fact that not many people are able to keep a secret. Just think ot the number of people that would have to be involved and the fact that so many agencies have looked into this., No, I have too many other problems with him to be worried about this one. In my humble opinion this whole dabate is bunk.

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