    I have a problem, my publisher sent me someone's manuscript, it's not mine. I have this lady's address, phone number, ss #, her passwords to her accounts, everything.

    The problem is, if I send it back to the publisher, he will resend it to her. He'll never tell her his error. She'll never know that I have all her private information, including birthday. I want to tell her, I was informed this would damage my relationship with the publisher. This lady is a stranger to me. I have her manuscript. It's not copy righted yet. This error is too careless. She trusted them.

    What would you do?

    +1  Views: 397 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Do whatever will let you sleep well at night.

    I would find a new publisher! That is scary!


    Where is your manuscript? In someone else's hands?

    When I called them, they were very flip about it, like so just send it back. They never understood what a big deal it was. The simply didn't care. If they'd been up set, and had a little panic in their voice, it'd be different. It was like talking to the abyss there was no emotion, nothing. How could someone handle someone's hard work, their dream and private information and be so flip?

    It makes me nervous when people are not the least concerned about making mistakes at their place of employment. To me, it suggests a lack of organization and self-respect. Did you go right to the top?

    I asked to speak to a manager, after I spoke to two employees who didn't care. He promised he'd take care of it, to send it back. He didn't give details, just that it would be handled. Each writer is assigned a person to help them through the process of getting the book published, I was wondering if I was speaking to the very person who made the error. I sent my book and info through WORD, there isn't much they can screw up there. But I am having problems with them myself. They will not listen to me.I designed my book cover, it was simple, easy, no thrills. They sent me a Christmas tree from hell! It was a black book on a black back ground with red scratches. It made my head hurt!It was a terrible shock. They took something so simple and put it through a meat grinder. They are redoing it. I don't trust them anymore. They failed to listen to simple instructions. Failed to mail a manuscript back to the proper person. There is more, but I'm dealing.

    Not good. :((

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