    adiction is sin or desease

    +1  Views: 574 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Addiction is a disease.

    Addiction can be a sin if you do the wrong things while you are addicted.  Addiction is more a function of conditioning.  Things happen to us, we do something to alliviate the pain we feel.  We do it over and over,  (example:  eat a pie when we are sad),  and it become a coping mechanism, then it might turn into an addiction and then we rely on that pie when we are sad and head straight to it when something bad happens to us.  Addiction is not a sin, but it can make us sad and more addicted.  There is plenty of help for all kinds of addictions.  Google help for addictions.

    The church will say it's a sin....the counsellor will say it's a disease.

    It doesn't matter what you call it.  From all I've heard and seen, it requires help to stop it.

    ed shank

    Smart bird.
    ed shank

    Ducky, your last comment disappeared as I was responding.

    I can still see it. I just said TY. :)

    Yep I agree with @Ed Shank...ONE SMART DUCK!!:-)


    Taking drugs for instance, is a sin which eventually becomes what society labels a disease. I don't believe in the disease theory when it comes to dope and booze. You put it in your body without a gun to your head. I have no compassion for dopers or boozers that wreak havoc on society. This comes from an ex doper and boozer. Cancer is a disease, MS is a disease, etc;


    St.Paul said "Do you not know that your body is the temple of the living/loving God?...Do not defile it"!!!...But how many people who do or don`t take drugs/prescribed or not...are defiling their bodies in Other ways..?...Smokers/drinkers/sex addicts etc etc...Taking illicit drugs/o addictions may result in crime...but O than that I`D CLASS it as an illness/weakness...not a sin!!:-0

    A mental health illness I`d say!:-0...But evil may take over when crimes are commited as a result...(but PEOPLE do this to feed their habits...that to me borderlines on sin..or sheer desperation?...More help should be available to help people who want it!!...Society also plays a part in people turning to these "Props"!!imho!:-¬

    The sythem is a desease, the action is the sin.

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