

    Do you think a Christian Groups should be put on a hate list just because they believe in the BIBLE.

    +1  Views: 2401 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: faith

    This organisation targets ALL perceived hate groups, not only Christians.
    Headless Man

    But most hate groups break the law to get on the hate list right.....

    The majority of them are despicable,remember though Randy, not all Christian groups are clean as the driven snow!

    Once again, I have to do the research for you that you should have done before you posted something so weak and deceptive as this. Why am I not surprised that a man who calls himself Christian is so deceptive when it comes to the truth, that he would post such a question to try and trick people into helping him support hate? Get away from your church and save yourself Randy. Your evangelist friends are leading you straight to the devil they scare you with. You are doing the work of darkness by defending hate and lying about their agenda. They are not Christian. They do not believe in the bible, they believe in hate and you are backing them! Are you truly going to follow them over the cliff?

    Just because they claim to believe in the bible should not automatically make them Christian. Your perspectives need some correcting and adjusting. I've called you blind a few times here. I call you blind again if you truly can not see what these "Christian groups" are all about. Take the blinders off man! Then again, you can't even see the hate that comes out of your own church. It has made you hate filled and you're so filled up on the kool-aid that you don't even know the hate you hold.
    Headless Man

    Hate is a word you use a lot but I hate no one and real Christians don't either, where is your research show me references, not just you saying so.....

    Emmmm?? Randy?
    Have you read any of the answers outside the blue area?

    By supporting hate groups like you do, you show yourself to support hate. This makes you guilty of hate by association. You show clear proof of holding hate in your heart all on your own. I do not even have to search out the proof. It's right here. You support these groups simply because they hold a bible and call themselves Christian. Yet, they fund bills that would keep rights from those THEY believe are sinners and immoral according to THEIR religious beliefs. They write false messages of agendas that exist only in their minds. They lie, they cheat, they are hypocrites, but you support them because they call themselves Christians. They are not on the hate group list because they believe in the bible. They are on the hate list because they DO NOT believe in the bible because as you said, a true Christian does not hate. Yet you still seek to protect them. Who is the hater Randy?

    As far as me using the word hate so much? Who asked the question: " Do you think a Christian Groups should be put on a hate list just because they believe in the BIBLE."?

    I see hate in the question. I responded to the question as worded and yes, because of that, I referenced hate in my answer.
    Headless Man

    The Southern Poverty Law Center is the nation’s SELF-APPOINTED MONITOR of “hate groups.”

    Too bad it can’t tell the difference between people who hate blacks and people who support the traditional definition of marriage. The SPLC’s promiscuous labeling of organizations it disagrees with as “hate groups” came to the fore last week when someone tried to shoot up one of its targets.

    You may not have heard that an armed assailant stormed the offices of the Family Research Council. That’s because the assailant was a gay-rights activist and the assailed was an organization devoted to social-conservative causes. If circumstances had been reversed, you’d know. If a gun-toting Family Research Council volunteer had burst into the headquarters of the Human Rights Campaign, 60 Minutes would already have done its hard-hitting feature on right-wing terrorism.


    The SPLC calls the Family Research Council a “hate group.” This puts it in the same league as the True Invisible Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the Aryan Nation, the Supreme White Alliance, the Old Glory Skinheads and, of course, the American Nazi Party.
    As they ask in kindergarten, which of these things isn’t like all the others? The home page of the Aryan Nation features an appeal to “white Americans” to fight anti-white genocide in South Africa, along with a photo of Nelson Mandela standing next to “the Jew Joe Slovo.” The home page of the Family Research Council has a tab to learn more about “Marriage, Family, & Sexuality.”

    A man named Floyd Corkins allegedly showed up at the Family Research Council carrying a bag of Chick-fil-A sandwiches and a 9 mm and said “I don’t like your politics” before shooting an unarmed guard who managed to subdue him (the guard is recovering). Corkins volunteers at a gay community center. According to an FBI affidavit, his parents “informed the FBI Special Agents that Corkins has strong opinions with respect to those he believes do not treat homosexuals in a fair manner.” Obviously.

    The head of the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, said the SPLC had given Corkins “a license to shoot.” This goes too far. Nothing the SPLC does sanctions violence, and Corkins’s alleged crime is his responsibility and his alone. But the SPLC’s designation of the Family Research Council is intolerant all the same, a bullying attempt to short-circuit free debate.

    It’s not as if the SPLC considers the Family Research Council mildly offensive, or barely hateful. Asked if someone addressing a Family Research Council meeting was as guilty as someone addressing an Aryan Nation rally, the SPLC’s research director said “yes.” If Floyd Corkins took the SPLC’s attitude toward the Family Research Council seriously, he would have been shocked to be confronted by an African-American security guard instead of some guy in a white hood about to run out to burn a cross in a gay person’s front yard.

    What the SPLC is doing is profoundly illiberal. The whole idea of a “hate group” is an organization that is so irrational and beyond the pale that it has no legitimacy. The SPLC brags about shutting down such groups, and rightly so. You presumably don’t have an argument with the White Patriot Party militia, unless you bring along a lead pipe. Putting the Family Research Council in the same category is a statement that it isn’t worthy of a democratic society — that its views shouldn’t be debated so much as shunned and marginalized.

    This is the trend in the gay-marriage debate. The attempt to punish Chick-fil-A for the opinions of its founder and CEO, although an abject failure for now, will probably be the template of the future. “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views,” William F. Buckley Jr. once said, “but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.” The SPLC and its allies on the left won’t be satisfied until there are no other views on gay marriage.

    Link to whoever wrote this. I'm going to bet it is from a religious group that supports keeping rights from gays and others they do not agree with. I gave you links to my references, please do the same and give me the link to this.

    I just read through all that and all it is, is blah, blah, blah, let's try some how to turn the tables and make southern poverty the haters, blah, blah, blah. Your question here has nothing to do with Chick-fil-A and that article has everything to do with chick-fil-a and defense of it's beliefs. This article you posted with no reference link does not belong in this particular thread. I knew what you were up to when I saw this question this morning. You are attempting to reopen the chick - fil a thread I shut down on you because you had taken it so far off topic. I will shut this one down also if you can not stick to the topic you started here. You are not good at being the sneaky Evangelist. You wear your agendas prominently on your sleeve.

    Family Research Council

    In 1988, James Dobson's Focus on the Family mega-ministry merged with the Family Research Council (FRC), a tiny Washington think tank headed by Gary Bauer, a former Department of Education official. With Focus' millions behind it, FRC's profile shot up as Bauer brought Dobson's anti-gay, anti-abortion and anti-sex education messages to leaders on Capitol Hill.

    When FRC's lobbying threatened Focus' tax-exempt status in 1992, the groups severed their legal ties. But by then, FRC had become a powerful group in its own right.

    During the gays-in-the-military debate of 1993, Bauer wrote an influential op-ed alleging that gay people's "notion of 'civil rights' would mean a jackboot on the back of the 99 percent of society that still follows the norms of nature."

    Robert Knight, FRC's chief anti-gay researcher during the 1990s (see also Concerned Women for America), claimed that the gay rights movement's main goal was "going after the kids."

    Drawing liberally on the discredited research of Paul Cameron (see Family Research Institute), Knight published papers claiming, among other things, that gay people view "pedophiles as the 'prophets' of a new sexual order." FRC also cited Cameron's bogus claim that children in gay households are at greater risk of sexual involvement with a parent. In a legal brief, it even warned that schools offering diversity education could be sued for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

    The FRC led boycotts and protests when major corporations began to give domestic-partner benefits; in 1997, Knight lambasted American Airlines for its "immoral" benefits program, asking, "What are you going to develop next? A pedophilia market?"

    Former Louisiana legislator Tony Perkins, a "family values" crusader who had given a speech to the white-supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens on May 19, 2001, took over the FRC's leadership in 2003. By then, the FRC was well established in Washington, with board members like Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, an OB/GYN who in his 2004 campaign falsely claimed that guards had to be posted inside some public school restrooms to protect girls from lesbian sex attacks.

    The FRC's current senior fellow for cultural studies, Timothy Dailey, has taken over Knight's role as FRC's main anti-gay propagandist, comparing gays to "abnormal cells," co-authoring Getting It Straight, a "statistical" compendium of the "evils" of homosexuality, and penning Dark Obsession: The Tragedy and Threat of the Homosexual Lifestyle, yet another lurid FRC publication.

    They do more against the gays than to just try and defend their view of what marriage is. Mr Rich Lowry who wrote the blog you posted as defense of Chick-Fil-A should take some time to research the Family Research counsel he is defending.

    Headless Man

    As you say blah, blah, blah....... The Southern Poverty Law Center is causing shooting by the week minded.

    Your bible-thumping is extremely tiresome, headless.
    You will not convert anyone at this site because we all have brains and can actually think for ourselves.
    The ONLY thing you ever post about is this sort of garbage and rights against gays.
    My oldest son is gay and a fine, decent, loving, upstanding person is his community. This type of poison that you CONSTANTLY spew on our forum is absolutely disgusting
    I have held my tongue since I joined the site but as far as I'm concerned you could take a PERMANENT vacation and no-one would miss you.
    Don't bother replying to my post.

    That claim is so weak it's laughable. If it were true, he would have shot up all Christian groups on the hate list, not just the one. The Southern Poverty Law Center caused no shooting. HATE caused the shooting. The Family Research Council's hatred of gays and their crusade against the gays caused one man to bring hate to meet their hate. Read what the Family Research Council does to gays. I posted it for you. They brought this on themselves. Leave the blame where it belongs. You are following one man's ideas. One man who wrote a blog based on his own determination as to the incident. Typical of you Randy. You are a follower, not a leader. You just follow other people's thoughts and words because you are hard pressed to come up with your own. Follow, follow little lamb, follow, follow, right over the cliff. Have you ever seen that happen? I have. I watched the lead sheep go over a cliff and all the sheep following, jump off the cliff after the lead sheep. They all ended up dead. Follow, follow. Bahhhh!
    Headless Man

    Your funny Colleen the only thing I follow is the ten commandments and you would be wise to do so too.....

    Are you judging again Mr. Evangelist? You evangelists are quite good at that. No where in the 10 commandments does it say not to be homosexual. There is no commandment about that. At what point are you going to stop trying to take over God's job? Stop judging and telling others what they should or should not do. You follow anyone who even remotely matches your warped way of seeing the creations of God who do not fit into your tiny box. Follow, follow little lamb.

    The 10 commandments.

    ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.' COVERED, I believe in the Creator who created the one called Jesus, the man that mortal man made a God.

    TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.' COVERED. I have no carved images.

    THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.' COVERED, I do not take the name of the Creator in vain. As a matter of fact, I protect it so well that I do not even share the name with those who follow a false God. You do not know the true name of the Creator Randy because I've never shared it with you and you are not ready to hear it as you follow the man created God.

    FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.' COVERED! I remember God every day, not just what religion calls the holy day. God is with me always and in everything I do.

    FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.' COVERED! I honor them for creating the vessel I use to be here on this earth. I honor them for allowing me the freedom to be who I am, the same freedom you try to take from me.

    SIX: 'You shall not murder.' COVERED. I've never murdered anyone.

    SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.' COVERED! I've never committed adultery.

    EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.' FAILED. I stole a pack of gum when I was a child. I've not stolen anything since then though. The beating I got from my father worked I guess.

    NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.' COVERED. I've never lied about my neighbor.

    TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.' COVERED! No coveting going on here!

    Guess I do follow the commandments. :)

    Now what?

    Headless Man

    That's great and now accept Christ and your in.......

    Let's take a look at how God views homosexuality. As has already been stated, God loves homosexuals. God does not, however, love homosexuality. For instance, God says, "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable" (Leviticus 18:22) and "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads" (Leviticus 20:13). God views homosexuality as "detestable" or, as in the King James version of the Bible, "an abomination". Notice also that in the Old Testament, the Mosaic law required that people who committed homosexual acts were to be put to death. Of course, no true Christian today would expect a homosexual to be put to death. Christ came to free us from our bondage under the law. However, anyone who tries to assert that homosexuality is not opposed to God's will, or that homosexuality is okay with God, must go through some severe scriptural contortions to try to prove their point.

    I do not need Christ. I have God, Mr. Evangelist, pushy bible thumper.

    You did not bring me how God views homosexuality. You brought me how some men view homosexuality. God has shown me how He views homosexuality. He has shown me in my existence alone. Meaning God created me, the homosexual.

    " Christ came to free us from our bondage under the law." Yet you have placed yourself right back into bondage by following a religion that does not allow free will. You've wasted Christ's time.
    Headless Man

    I believe the Bible you don't, I have free will and I choose Jesus.

    So are you finally going to be honest now and admit that your true agenda for this question was so you could bring out your belief that God hates homosexuality? This is your swan song after all. You've spent a year and a half here pushing that agenda. Everyone knows it and to this day, you've not managed to convert anyone be they homosexual or heterosexual. The best you've been able to manage is to push people away from your church, your religion and your beliefs. I think it's time you worry about your own backyard and not the yards of others.
    Headless Man

    Thats your words not mine, apparent you don't read my replies any better than I do yours, I've sad over and over GOD loves all, read above 4 remarks, but you have to love him.

    I've read your words quite thoroughly, so much so that I've even read them to my mother. You've also said over and over that God hates/detests homosexuality. You are wrong. Perhaps Jesus hates, but God does not. You're correct, you should love God. Go higher than Jesus and you will finally have met God. Thank you for admitting that you do not read my replies. It is proof of your stubborn close mindedness. It's time for this thread to end. You were deceptive from the beginning about your agenda with this "question". You continue to try and deceive. According to your bible, dishonesty is a sin. Take care of your own backyard.
    Headless Man

    Instead of saying your right you never said God hates, you continue to put me down, thanks and good night.

    You said God detests. Are you mincing words now? You also say, hate the sin not the sinner, supposedly those are God's words. Thus you are making the claim that God says he hates and man should emulate him in his hatred. Do not cry about being put down. You do that to anyone who does not follow your "believes". You think yourself higher than anyone who does not follow your religion. You try to convert people to your ways. This proves you believe yourself to be better than others, higher than others, you put people down through those very beliefs alone. Do not cry about feeling put down. Perhaps God is trying to tell you something. Your ego is too great. Ego according to your religion is a sin.

    8 Answers

    Depends on what kind of bile they're spewing.


    Headless Man

    I agree, and no where have I said to hate anyone, but being called a hater because someone has a Christian belief is not right and that is my point.......

    Absolutely perfect, Fishie!!!

    Two thumbs up to you for this wonderful post.

    I should have also put my thoughts as a new answer, instead of in the blue I want to be sure that people see what I think of headlessmans HATE-MONGERING.

    As matter of fact I am going to c & p it into a new reply.

    @ Randy, Again, they are not being called haters because of their Christian beliefs or because they believe in the bible. They are being called haters because of their actions against a group of people based on their own interpretations of what the bible says. There are Christians in this world who do not share their same philosophies of what the bible says. I reiterate, their actions against human beings are what define them as haters, not the fact that they hold a bible in one hand while they attempt to strangle a group of people with the other hand. It is your own self imposed blindness that causes you to fail at seeing this truth.
    Headless Man

    I understand Colleen they are being called haters because they believe immorality is a sin, don't mean they hate anyone....

    No, you do not understand. They are holding their beliefs over other people of God's Universe and they are judging those people based on their own beliefs. They look down on these people and fight to keep rights from these people as lesser beings. It takes hate to attempt to abuse and restrict the freedoms of another being. It takes hate.

    Right On Fishy!!!!!!
    Headless Man

    Fishlet, I'm sure your grandmother was asking God for forgiveness and will be in heaven.
    I don't think these sites should be listed with groups that cause physical harm and danger....

    How can you be sure what her grandmother was doing? How can you even suggest what she was doing at that moment? How do you know she was not forgiving herself rather than asking for forgiveness? You can not be sure about anything!

    You are not God! You are not privy to another's thoughts at any moment of time unless they speak them directly to you! How dare you decide what she was thinking! How dare you make the grand determination that she is in heaven based on your personal thoughts. She did not need forgiveness to enter heaven! How dare you put yourself between Fishlet's grandmother and God.

    Wow, you're still this blind? You're still this deaf that you continue to defend the hate they put forth into print and the spoken word that cause others to go out and harm and kill homosexuals? How dare you say, they do not cause physical harm and danger. You are not ion the receiving end of their words and lies! You do not know the damage they do or the hurt they cause or the deaths they are responsible for because someone believed their lies about homosexuals. How dare you defend their hate!
    Headless Man

    Sorry Fishlet, I only thought if I were on my death bed I would be and thought she was, no disrespect meant.
    Never said gay people where any different than anyone in everyday life.

    Like she said Randy, you are transparent. "Never said", does not cover your transparency.

    "Please stop beating the rest of us up"

    Exactly! It's like listening to a child who is trying to tell adults how to live their lives.

    Go work on your own life, h and leave us alone!

    Funny, I have a BIBLE and I'm pretty darn sure that the New Testament reads (time and time again) that we are supposed to love our neighbors, forgive them, and pray for them.  I re-read it and darn if I can't find a love them but ONLY if they are color "X", heterosexual, sinless, don't drink/smoke/gamble/do drugs, are religions "X and Y BUT NOT Z", etc.  Nope, My Bible says to love them also points out in a variety of ways that sins are sins (there aren't better sins and worse sins)...So, if these So-called Christians are bigots and have put new words in their Bibles to try to support their thinking- they should be on a "hate" list and they should stop calling themselves Christian!

    Headless Man

    Right and I do, you don't have to agree with them but you still love them.... What new word are there???

    Oh you know the preachers who say drinking is evil, being gay is evil...perhaps I should have said their interpretation of the NT is different..I didn't name it "hate" group...but these churches do not seem to embrace their neighbors with love.

    @ Randy, It's a good thing I'm not an Evangelist, otherwise I would be forced to love hate groups. I will never show love to a hate group. I will not hate it but I will not respect it or show it love either. It does not deserve goodness when all it wants to do is seek out the darkness. I will allow for their existence and not push to have laws passed against them (like they do my community) or have their freedom of speech removed but I will not support them and show them any kind of mercy.
    Headless Man

    Fine Colleen, and thats your right.

    doolittle, I don't think they say their evil but sinners, sininers that need love and conversion.... as we all do.

    Randy, a Church does not show love, forgiveness, and it's evangelical powers by announcing sinful groups and sinful people to the world...that in and of itself is judgemental and unloving. You accept & love the person -not the sin.
    Headless Man

    True, doolittle but you fight the sin any way you can....

    No Randy, I don't do that...but then, I have a "log' (of sins) in my own eye...and I leave that between me and God. I try to love and respect everyone- they would not be able to receive my love if I was shoving my values and their decisions down their throats. Don't judge another wo/man before you have walked a mile in their shoes!!! Life isn't easy- for anyone...and evangelizing the wrong way pushes people farther from God and the Church- not closer.

    To say you must fight the sins of other men Randy, you are again judging. How can you determine another's sins? THAT is God's job! Stop playing God!
    Headless Man

    We put murders in jail but that is to stop the sin of murder then we try to stop someone from doing the same thing, thats fighting the sin.
    I know being gay is not a sin as I have been saying but a behavior that is detestable to God and I believe it's a good thing to try and keep young kids away from it and try to help others.
    I just don't think these groups should be listed as hate groups based on what a what a SELF-APPOINTED MONITOR thinks.

    They are not listed as hate groups based on what I think. They are listed as hate groups based on what an investigative group has found within the religious group itself. You still need to read the findings and what these people do to gays and what they do against gays. You say homosexuality is not a sin (I believe you meant crime), good, then you have to agree that there is nothing to fight. Homosexuals do not indoctrinate children into being gay so the children do not need to be protected from homosexuals. Quite the opposite. Children need to be taught that homosexuals are people too and should not be feared. You can not decide what God detests. You have never heard God speak. God is love. Love has no room for negative feelings like hate and detesting. You contradict God when you claim He can detest or hate. You are taking your words and beliefs and applying them to God. You have no right to do so, no man does. Hate and detesting belongs to the lower world, the physical plane, earth. These words do not exist in the heaven worlds. God is perfect in every way, God is above such words and above the use of such words and above the feeling of such emotions. In heaven there is only love. Hate, detest, and any other negative word or emotion simply does not exist there.

    I am not a self appointed moderator. I was asked to be a moderator by the men who own the forum. I accepted the position, they gave me the moderating tools. Everything I've posted here has come from me, the person, not me the moderator. The moderator part of me is telling me to shut this thread down because you opened it to hold sermon and rally against the gays. Two things that are not allowed on this forum. Right now I am ignoring the moderator part of me. I'm actually enjoying watching you dig your hole deeper and deeper. You are proving every point I've ever made about you over this past year and a half. Keep talking preacher man. Keep digging.
    Headless Man

    I wasn't talking about you being a SELF-APPOINTED MONITOR I was referring to the The Southern Poverty Law Center.

    Oh, excuse me, I should have noted your quoting of Rich Lowry. He did say ,"The Southern Poverty Law Center is the nation’s self-appointed monitor of “hate groups.” Quoted directly from his blog. What does this make Rich? The self appointed monitor of a whole team of people who investigate hate groups? TheSouthern Poverty Law Center does their research on all groups they list. Rich did not even bother to investigate the Southern Poverty Law Center. He just whined about them and put his own spin on things. What he wrote was solely his opinion of the events of that day. He blogged, he did not bring fact but you follow, follow him anyway.

    Your bible-thumping is extremely tiresome, headless.
    You will not convert anyone at this site because we all have brains and can actually think for ourselves.
    The ONLY thing you ever post about is this sort of garbage and rights against gays.
    My oldest son is gay and a fine, decent, loving, upstanding person is his community. This type of poison that you CONSTANTLY spew on our forum is absolutely disgusting
    I have held my tongue since I joined the site but as far as I'm concerned you could take a PERMANENT vacation and no-one would miss you.

    P.S Your only agenda is promoting hatred and intolerance no matter how many times you deny it.

    Don't bother replying to my post.

    Headless Man

    I won't .......

    Just because they believe in the bible? No .... but when you have supposedly Christian groups such as the Westboro Baptist Church people (and others), you are going to create a lot of hate among everyone. 

    I'm not privy to the "subversive southern poverty law center".



    The Southern Poverty Law Center counted 1,018 active hate groups in the United States in 2011. Only organizations and their chapters known to be active during 2011 are included.

    All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.

    This list was compiled using hate group publications and websites, citizen and law enforcement reports, field sources and news reports.

    Hate group activities can include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing. Websites appearing to be merely the work of a single individual, rather than the publication of a group, are not included in this list. Listing here does not imply a group advocates or engages in violence or other criminal activity.
    Headless Man

    "marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing"
    Aren't these an constitutional right?
    Or has this become a Communist country.

    Of course it's a constitutional right to spread hate, but in the end, it gets you added to a list of hate groups. No one is saying they can not do these things. They are just categorizing the promoters of hate and bigotry. Should I explain bigotry to you so you fully understand what it means and how it represents these groups?

    Bigotry is the state of mind of a bigot, defined by Merriam-Webster as "a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially: one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance".[1] Bigotry may be based on real or perceived characteristics, including age, disability, dissension from popular opinions, economic status, ethnicity, gender identity, language, nationality, personal habits, political alignment, race, region, religious or spiritual belief, sex, species, or sexual orientation. Bigotry is sometimes developed into an ideology or world view.

    These groups listed with Southern Poverty Law Center fit the description of bigots making them hate groups.

    Randy, these are Hate-Groups who call themselfes Christians.  A real Christian does not hate.They have horns instead of ears. Theire message is not love,, but hate

    Headless Man

    Hate the sin not the sinner.....

    There's that hate word again Randy.
    Headless Man

    But the sin is not a living thing, just a thing that destroys....

    God's creations can not be destroyed, ever. They exist for as long as God exists. Hell is a figment of the Christian man's imagination. Sin does not exist except between the pages of the bible. There is no right and wrong, there is only lessons, experiences and learning. That's it. We have all of eternity to become bearers of unconditional love and all of eternity to come to the realization that no one person is better than another, no matter what level they exist at. No man should ever rule over the thinking or being of another man but unfortunately, that is exactly what religions does. It rules over men who God gave free will to. These Christian hate groups are trying to rule over other human beings and force them into submission. THIS IS NOT GOD'S WAY!
    Headless Man

    Your right and I agree God's creations can't be destroyed but
    sin destroys lives, relationships, marriages...etc

    Actions break things yet opposite actions can heal what was broken. Some marriages are not meant to be forever. It is not for you to judge why a marriage failed unless it is your own and then both parties simply need to own up to their own actions within the marriage. It is not sin. It is learning that you two were not truly suited for each other. Move on and use what you learned to make a more positive marriage the next time. Man can not judge and deem anything a sinful action. God is in charge and if anything was not meant to happen, it would not happen. If a man shoots another man, it was meant to happen. There is spiritual cause and effect at work. God controls all. There was a lesson that those two men needed to learn. It is not for us to judge and call one a sinner. That sinner as he would be called by you, might have been paying back for a crime that the one he shot committed before and got away with. Putting it in your lingo, the shooter could have been the innocent sent to teach a lesson to the sinner, the one you would call the victim in this scenario. Nothing can ever happen if God does not want it to happen. You have such a tiny grasp on his perfect design that I know you will not be able to comprehend any of what I said here. There are no accidents, only things that are meant to be and man has no right to judge because when he does, he is actually judging God and God's decisions.
    Headless Man

    There is a thing called evil in this world and until Jesus comes back to set up his Kingdom there will be. JMO and I know you believe different....

    Without out evil to counter the good, there would be no existence. Existence depends on the good AND the bad. Jesus will not be back to rid the world of evil. Evil is man's lesson that man is suppose to learn by. Much of mankind is failing in the lesson as much of mankind still promotes hate, which is begot from evil. See the cycle?

    Don't be deceptive Randy. They are not on the list just because they believe in the bible. It's because they promote bigotry by funding bills to keep rights from others and staging boycotts on businesses against businesses that support the rights of the same people they fight to keep rights from. One of those groups has created books of lies about the "gay agenda" an agenda that even the gay community knew nothing about and they write ridiculous propaganda that only a simple mind would believe, like "gays want to take over the schools and indoctrinate all our children and make them all homosexual"! Yes, I get this e-mail from one of those hate groups on the list.  Do you believe gays want to make the children homosexual Randy? Do you believe that b.s.? Is your mind so simple as you fight to protect these hate groups just because they call themselves Christian and carry a bible? Would you listen to me if I carried around a pocket bible, waved it around every now and then and called myself christian just because I had a bible in my hand? This is your hate groups. Read up on them! Be honest with the people here! Do not white wash to make darkness look better. 

    Be responsible and research before you toss out non truths and ask the people to judge! 

    These are the groups you defend and this is just what they do to my community. This does not list all their work against anyone they do not agree with. They all consider themselves to be Christian based:


    1. Focus on the Family: No one has spread the anti-gay gospel as widely, or with as much political impact, as James Dobson, the former child development professor and spanking enthusiast who founded Focus on the Family (FOF) in 1977. On Focus' 47-acre campus in Colorado Springs, some 1,300 employees battle against gay rights, sex education and women's rights with an enormous annual budget of $130 million. Dobson's radio show, dispensing homespun parenting advice along with jabs at "the militant homosexual agenda," is heard daily on more than 9,000 radio stations worldwide, giving him an estimated listening audience of more than 200 million.

    2. American Family Association: Best known for leading boycotts of advertisers who support "indecency" in the mass media (including the supposedly cocaine-snorting Mighty Mouse), the Rev. Donald Wildmon, a former Methodist minister, has led a series of religious-right groups since 1976. In the 1980s, Wildmon succeeded in getting ads pulled from shows like "Thirtysomething," added to Wildmon's list of "Trash TV" because its plot included a gay romance. In late 2004, the AFA called for a boycott of Proctor & Gamble, calling it "one of the largest promoters of the homosexual agenda," partly because it advertises on TV shows "Will and Grace" and "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy." By late January 2005, AFA claimed more than 380,000 people had signed its boycott petition.

    3. The Family Research Counsel led boycotts and protests when major corporations began to give domestic-partner benefits; in 1997, Knight lambasted American Airlines for its "immoral" benefits program, asking, "What are you going to develop next? A pedophilia market?"
    Former Louisiana legislator Tony Perkins, a "family values" crusader who had given a speech to the white-supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens on May 19, 2001, took over the FRC's leadership in 2003. By then, the FRC was well established in Washington, with board members like Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, an OB/GYN who in his 2004 campaign falsely claimed that guards had to be posted inside some public school restrooms to protect girls from lesbian sex attacks.
    The FRC's current senior fellow for cultural studies, Timothy Dailey, has taken over Knight's role as FRC's main anti-gay propagandist, comparing gays to "abnormal cells," co-authoring Getting It Straight, a "statistical" compendium of the "evils" of homosexuality, and penning Dark Obsession: The Tragedy and Threat of the Homosexual Lifestyle, yet another lurid FRC publication. 

    4. American Vision ATLANTA, Ga.

    Founded in 1978 by Gary DeMar, one of America's most prominent proponents of Christian Reconstructionism, American Vision produces a wide variety of "educational resources" designed to "restore America's Biblical foundation." Like R.J. Rushdoony, the founder of Reconstructionism (seeChalcedon Foundation), DeMar contends that the U.S. was founded as a "Christian nation" and that its democracy should be replaced by a theocratic government run by Christians who will strictly impose certain Old Testament prohibitions, including passages they interpret as opposing homosexuality and abortion.

    "The Bible is clear on moral issues that are culture-killers: homosexuality, homosexual marriage, and abortion," says DeMar, who is closely allied with D. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Ministries, where he frequently speaks.

    While DeMar insists that homosexuals wouldn't be rounded up and systematically executed under a "reconstructed" government, he does believe that the occasional execution of "sodomites" would serve society well, because "the law that requires the death penalty for homosexual acts effectively drives the perversion of homosexuality underground, back into the closet."

    Another "long-term goal," he writes elsewhere, should be "the execution of abortionists and parents who hire them."

    DeMar is also down on anti-poverty programs. "Nowhere in the Bible is civil government given authority to help the poor by raising taxes on the rich," he insists in the American Vision Web site essay. "In fact, as history shows, the 'war on poverty' became the war on the poor."

    DeMar is tightly linked to other Reconstructionists, including Gary North, with whom he co-authoredChristian Reconstruction: What It Is, What It Isn't.

    5. Chalcedon Foundation VALLECITO, Calif.

    The late Rousas John Rushdoony, known as the "father of Christian Reconstructionism," established the Chalcedon Foundation in 1965. The think tank's name refers to the Council of Chalcedon, which in 451 A.D. proclaimed the state's subservience to God.

    Rushdoony's message, articulated in his massive 1973 opus, The Institutes of Biblical Law, is similar: fundamentalist Christians must take control of governments and impose strict biblical law on America and the world. That would mean the death penalty for "practicing homosexuals," among many other "abominators."


    That's just a few on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list Randy. They are not listed as hate groups just because they believe in the bible. Do you get it now? 



    Thanks Colleen

    Did you read all of this Randy? Did you read any part of it? Did you open your eyes to even see it? I bet you didn't because of you did, you would make yourself a hypocrite by continuing to support these Christian hate groups.
    Headless Man

    Yes I did and I agree with most of it not all but most....

    Well please debate what you do not agree with. Bring me information that refutes any of what is posted here. If you're going to be the champion of hate groups, bring something to defend them with. Not blogs concerning your favorite fast food chicken outlet.
    Headless Man

    I don't believe in execution for any sex crime unless it's rape or involves a minor.

    So the only thing you disagree with that comes from the hate groups is killing gays? Everything else they do to try and discredit us (the lies and the made up propaganda)is OK by you? You really are a sad little man aren't you? Sex between homosexuals is not a crime according to US laws. The law making gay sex illegal was removed in the 1990's. Those Christian hate groups want to kill gays just for having sex. The same thing the Muslims kill gays for. Your Christian groups are sounding like the Muslim now.
    Headless Man

    Never said anything about a crime, a sin and a crime are to different things, what lies are you referring to?
    Headless Man

    Focus on the Family-
    God's Design for Marriage
, Preparing for Marriage,
 The Early Years,
Sex and Intimacy, 
Divorce and Infidelity, 
Communication and Conflict
, Money and Finances, 
Daily Living, 
Strengthening Your Marriage,
 Marriage Challenges, 
Facing Crisis, 
Marriage and the Military, 
Marriage Community

    The mission of the American Family Association is to inform, equip, and activate individuals to strengthen the moral foundations of American culture, and give aid to the church here and abroad in its task of fulfilling the Great Commission.
    Human Sexuality
    Abstinence and Sexual Health
    Human Life and Bioethics
    Euthanasia and End of Life Issues
    Stem Cells and Biotechnology
    Conscience Protection
    Women's Health
    Marriage and Family
    Family Structure
    Family Economics
    Parental Rights
    Religion and Culture
    Religious Liberty
    Religion in Public Life
    Research on Religion
    Broadcast and Cable Decency
    The Courts
    Amicus Briefs
    Judicial Activism
    Judicial Nominations
    Other Issues

    Restoring America Biblical Foundation From Genesis To Revelation

    Talks of faith and books to build yours, with free access to online resources.

    All of these are conservative Christian sites........ why?

    You said sex crime. Reread your own words.

    The lies that homosexuals are going to take over the children and create a new religion that worships pedophiles. It's all up there in the blue section. Did you read any of what I posted about your hate group and the propaganda and lies they promote?

    Focus on the Family should not be covering topics they know nothing about, for instance, homosexuality. They make up lies about these people and promote them as truths. They are lying people trying to force their religious beliefs into the main stream politics. They have no business trying to force their secular religious beliefs into the civil rights of another group of people. The religious beliefs of one group have no bearing in the lives of the rest of the nation. Christianity does not rule the United States of America. They promote hate and intolerance against homosexuals by promoting lies about the homosexuals. Homosexuals die because wing nuts believe the lies the AFA and similar hate groups that publish lies about the homosexuals.

    You promote that homosexuality is a sin. The promotion of this idea makes would-be attackers of homosexuals feel justified in that they are "doing God's work" by ridding the world of gay people. Do you accept the responsibility of your actions? Do you accept that by your own support, you give killers of gays a justifiable (justifiable in their own minds) reason to kill gays?
    "Violent hate crimes against LGBT people tend to be especially brutal, even compared to other hate crimes: "an intense rage is present in nearly all homicide cases involving gay male victims". It is rare for a victim to just be shot; he is more likely to be stabbed multiple times, mutilated, and strangled. "They frequently involved torture, cutting, mutilation... showing the absolute intent to rub out the human being because of his (sexual) preference". Source wiki-pedia.

    Who do you suppose taught these people to hate gays so much? Where do you think that kind of hate comes from? It comes from other haters who put gays down and try to rob them of their rights as human beings. Spell it with me Randy. This kind of hate comes from r-e-l-i-g-i-o-n-s that view homosexuality as a sin!

    Give it up before you piss everyone off!!!!!!!!!!
    Headless Man

    Yes, I said sex crime there are all kinds of sex crime, being gay is not one.
    It's sin that makes them kill or harm gays not religion, religion tells you to love then and try to help them be converted, I believe there will be gays in heaven just as there will be people of all walks of life but somewhere, maybe on their death bed they accepted Christ as there savior.

    Then you may as well say, religious beliefs are sinful because Christian minded people have killed gays because of religious beliefs that say God hates/detests homosexuality. You try to use sin to cover everything but it can not because sin is not a word God knows. Man created the word, not God. It's a word that was created to try and control the minds of others.

    Why you brought up sex crimes in this discussion is confusing. The only thing I can link it to is the fact that you consider homosexuality a sin thus you believe it to be a crime. It is not. If it were not meant to be, it would not exist. God would make sure of that. Homosexuality is a creation of God and it exists for His own reasons. To judge it, is to judge God.

    Randy, you've truly outdone yourself this time. You are either a sad simpleton best left forsaken or a devious genius worthy of (arguable) admiration.

    If you believe in what you posted, you are the former. If, on the other hand, you are a closet Atheist, you must be commended for your valiant, albeit duplicitous attempt at making believers think twice about their appartenance to Christianity and the literal teachings of the Good Book. (...they (gays) must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads"  Leviticus 20:13).

    Of course, no self-respecting Atheist that I know of, would ever stoop to such methods. So,Randy, you MUST come clean. Are you the former or the latter ?

    Headless Man

    Only God knows my heart.....

    And YOU don't ?
    Headless Man

    I sure do........!!!!!

    Ahhh. So it's NOT "only God that knows" your heart.
    Headless Man

    Me and Him.... that's all

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