    Should Ian Brady be force-fed?

    Ian Brady who with his partner Myra Hindley committed the 'Moors Murders' of children in the 1960's has been fed through a tube since 1999 as he refuses to eat. Should he be allowed to starve himself to death? Bobby Sands IRA 'martyr' was allowed to do so, why not Brady?

    +2  Views: 665 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: human rights

    8 Answers


    Let the B*****D DIE!

    I think they should have both been hung 50 years ago. They did not deserve to live, they not only murdered those children they tortured them first , They were not fit to be part of the human race.


    Spot on.

    Sometimes the judicial system is ass-backwards!

    Geez...I'll never forget when Bobby Sands died.

    It gave me goosebumps just now thinking about it. 

    They should not force feed him but I suppose they

    want him to live, so he wishes he were dead.


    Yes force feed him some Cyanide Tablets, that would do the trick..

    Let him starve, who's paying for his food?


    The British taxpayer pays for his food (and accommodation).

    Yes force feed him, and lets hope he chokes to death.

    Apparently as he is in an institution for the criminally insane he can be force-fed. He has appealed and wants to be transferred to a normal prison where he can starve himself if he wishes.

    His crimes date back to the 1960's.

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