    Marriage and Drinking

    Study shows that marriage drives wives to drink. I suppose that husbands simply start sooner.

    Has marriage increased your alcohol consumption, ladies and gents ?

    +11  Views: 1572 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    by the same token, more women have depression than men. That's b/c they have to put up with men.

    I'd say you need a couple of good, stiff drinks right about now.

    15 Answers

    Nope...whether married or single in my lifetime 

    my life has gone from party, party, party as a

    teenager to a teetotaller for a very long time.

    Booze does nothing for me anymore. It gets in

    the way of many other more pleasurable pursuits.

    I think using marital status as an excuse as to

    why one drinks is a total cop-out.


    I agree. Who needs excuses?

    Yep...I know you love your vino.

    Its a bad cocktail.

    Booze never impacted my life to the point where I could not function. I'm Not saying that I didn't drink more than I should have, just was able to dodge the speed bumps. Wife was never a drinking person. An occasional glass of wine. Family first, then comes business, then socializing. In that order.


    I pretty much agree, when you see all who have had their life ruined by alcohol, this is a good formula that you have!

    Makes you wonder how credible some studies (or surveys) really are.

    Drinking and marriage did not go together well for me. I don’t like to drink although I like to produce alcohol. My OL went off on a drunken adventure for ten years and then after AA we got back together and we have been together ever since. 


    Moderate moderation is a good thing.

    AA ... three meetings .... changed my lifestyle forever ... thanks Bill W. and Dr. Bob.

    Everything in moderation, both myself and my husband enjoy a social drink with friends, we go out together and come home together, I used to drink more before I got married,as I know my husband did, but drinking is not the center of the universe for either of us.

    No, probably had no effect at all. Marriage was not a good one, though....maybe a coupla drinks would've mellowed out both of us.

    I'm not married and don't drink but when I was married he drank like there was no tomorrow... which is exactly what happened.... no tomorrows for THAT marriage.

    Heavy drinking and marriage don't work. But a drink now and then probably helps you both to keep calm.


    .... I don't drink.


    Most people love drinking more than their loved ones .


    Some do, I'm sure,

    do you really think "most", I may say many, but of those that I know, not most! Maybe I do not hang with a bad crowd after all...

    I don't drink nor will my wife. I make her drunk with my feelings lol.

    (When I mean drunk, I mean hyped up with my "true feelings" XD)

    When my husb was still living, we only took a drink when friends were here. And our friends never gave us a drink at their house, b/c they didn't want to spend the money on it, or b/c they weren't interested.And it's too expensive to order a drink in a restaurant or bar.  We didn't go to bars anyway. We occasionally had a few drinks when we were playing around with each other.  :-p 

    country bumpkin

    Naughty -Naughty! LOL

    "...had a few drinks when we were playing around with each other. :-p.. :

    Was that before or after your bouts of female depression. ;-)

    since ive been sick ive started to drink. trying to kill pain. it doesnt work. they gave me morphine but im afraid of becoming hooked on it. or overdosing. the amount to take is so small you could easily accidently overdose.mine is liquid form you take with a dropper.


    I'm sorry to hear about your health problem. Has the fear of overdosing made you stop taking it? That would be a shame because real pain can make life unbearable. Have you someone who can help you administer the proper dose for you?

    ((((Carmax))))...sorry too, to hear of your pain, sweetie. Maybe what Digger suggests is a possibility.

    well i went to get an mri today. they think i have severe arthritis in my left shoulder. i just know its agony. i see a dr. next week that supposed ti give me cortisone injections. i hope this is the answer. pray for me please.

    You got it, Carmax. xx

    Cortisone is a better solution than morphine and very effective. Let us know how you make out. Good luck !


    If all else fails try 'SOMA' edible jellies but be careful dosing ... start low dosage and work your way up a few mg.s at a time because overdosing with a canni-oil product can turn into a bit of a nightmare in a hurry due to what can be construed as psychosis for a period of time so you would definitely want to avoid that experience! The goal here is to eliminate pain, not get gowed out of your mind right?

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