    Do you believe Jesus to be you Lord a Savior


    +4  Views: 1330 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

     Its called Bullying !



    hahahaha! Love it! I have another thread you can put this in.

    That's a big YES from me....Despite the evils of this world....

    I believe.!

    Yep, I do.

    ed shank

    I see we have many here who do not believe in a life hereafter. Fine, your decision, your soul. The idiotic comments posted by some of you supposed intelligent people, I would have thought was beneath you. I see no Christians making fun of you "Heathens". I'm curious, where would your head and heart be should you be standing at the bedside of one of your child after being told they will probably be dead by morning unless a miracle were to happen. You don't believe in God, no one to curse, correct? I think not.

    I agree.

    If your comment was directed to me and a few others ed, I for one never said I didn't believe in God,I said this was a chain letter sent out to put the fear of god into all the "GOD FEARING" people out there(and there are a lot).
    IMO fear is bad,why would any "GOD" want you to fear him/her?

    People can believe in God and have spirituality without all the other attendant beliefs. That does NOT make them heathen.
    ed shank

    Dardiagh, Your right. Perhaps I cam across a bit heavy. The Heathen comment does not apply to all obviously. However, some of us "believe" and are attacked for it as though were possessed. I'm never in a mood to have religion shoved down my throat, but I resent being ridiculed for my beliefs. Sorry kiddo if I offended.

    Thank you, Ed.
    You are a gentleman.


    Yes He is Lord.

    ed shank

    Your back?

    He's never left. He just lurks and waits for the religious questions.
    ed shank

    I see.

    Colleen am I not free to come on when I want. A question was asked and I simply answered. I do not lurk. The minute I come back you jump in and attack.

    Yup, you are free to come here still. If you weren't, you wouldn't have the account. I did not attack you. You really call THAT an attack? Wow. Yes, you do lurk. You come, you read and every now and then, you find a religious question to answer. Then you become wallpaper again.
    ed shank

    Wallpaper, that's funny.

    Hmm, I thought I was on akaQA, not Facebook. Typical Facebook post from people trying to convince others just how religious they are or trying to make the believers feel guilty for not believing enough.  

    No, I do not accept Jesus as a lord an savior of myself. Sappy creative writing stories by overly religious Christians like this one just make me giggle (I think God giggles a little too). Believe if you must as everyone needs something to believe in. 

    I know it Sunday but isn't it a little late in the day for church service? 

    Jack Large

    From your comment it appears you believe in a God, but do not believe Jesus was his son, right?

    That after all was the question asked. Not is there a God.


    I replied to your question, "do you believe Jesus to be your lord and savior?".

    Let me rephrase since apparently me saying, "No, I do not accept Jesus as a lord an savior of myself." threw you off.

    No, I do not believe Jesus to be my lord and savior. He is not God nor son of God with the power of a God or anything like that.

    No ... I believe in the sun :)

    I have never been religious so I really do not have an opinion on religion I know its cause a lot of wars and many people have died in its name .

    I would like to believe that Jesus when he was alive was a great leader and he had great followers, but I don't think he is around anymore :(


    Yes without one iota of doubt..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    yes i believe lucifer is the god of the world.

    Jack Large

    The hell you say? ;-)

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