    what is a good marinade for lamb

    +1  Views: 725 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    For Shish Kabob, I use vinegar,(any kind), tons of chopped onions, crushed garlic, salt, pepper, chopped parsley, and red wine.  I marinate the kabobs overnight in fridge. After hot coals are ready!  Skewer meat first,  I cook the lamb first, and return it to marinate kettle, on edge of fire. As skewers become available, refill and begin cooking the next item.   I then do the veggies in order of how long they cook, Eggplant, Peppers, Onions, and last tomatoes.  I combine each skewer of cooked veggies with the meat into the marinate kettle, keeps things hot, and prevents drying out.  When all is done, we have rice pilaf as a side, and I spoon some marinate over my rice, and have the meat/veggies on side.   By the way, make yourself a set of skewers from stainless 1/4 square stock, the length for your fireplace or grill,  go to hardware store and get some file handles, put them on one end of each, and sharpen the other like a point.  Also, get a pvc pipe and a cap, glue cap on pvc, cut long enough to use as a quiver (like one to store arrows, this will keep your skewers safe, and ease storage and handling).   A good set should keep and be handed down to your heirs!   Note:  magazines make the skewers with everything on each, however since they all have different cooking times, it looks nice, but is impractical!   Vary this marinate to your taste, and it is good for all types of meat, not just lamb, Enjoy!


    And your BBQ is when?
    Don't forget my invite.

    Will do, BYOB!

    No problem.

    I used to do this a couple of times per season, but no longer have the good access to "free lamb" and as you know, it is expensive, thus maybe one per season now. Usually in late summer or early fall, harvest, veggies more plentiful from my garden then!

    Sounds good to me, I can bring some fine Scottish lamb if it's a bit scarce your way.

    Good then, go to Oaklawn Ave. take a right and then a left onto my street, house no. 53, see you Sun. at 2 pm.

    Count on me,are you sure it's a left then a right coming from my direction?

    Which way from my house?

    car pool with ROMOS, he knows the way to San Jose...

    Try here......

    rain water.  Anything else will stick to the wool coat and cause a mess.  Plus, lambs really don't like smelling spicy it agitates them!  


    but they do like the wine... I have taught the ewes to always answer this for every question, it keeps everyone from the newsprint... "Naaaa"

    White wine. They are a bit sloppy and red wine makes them look like they have been bleeding

    oh yeah, make it a right, then left...


    Oops, wrong turn, I noticed it though.

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