    Who was your mentor in life, a parent? a teacher? a coach? a friend? other?

    +7  Views: 939 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    My mother,who stuck by me like glue when my life was over some very ruff waters in the 70's,and she showed me a better way and my oldest brother who showed me how to make a honest living.


    good for you in having taken advantage of their opportunities, pass it forward, if you have not already..


    Looking back, it was my parents though you couldn't have convinced me at the time...........

    I would also have to say that there was a little from many.  Sometimes people just don't realize that the encouraging words that they speak, can be remembered for a life time.

    All of the above...I've learned

    a lot through life from many

    different people.


    do they know what an impact they have made on your life? Tell them so...

    Oh yes, I've told people who have made a difference in my life.

    I believe in giving credit where credit is due.

    One particular teacher I told was so pleased when I told him. I'm glad that I did because unfortunately he died a year later, from cancer.

    My parents and grandparents who lived with us.

    My (Late)Dad was...and still is!!!:-)

    I have had many, mostly teachers, one boss, a great friend, my mom and an auntie.  what made me think about this question is that I am composing a letter to the former boss, who is an elderly man who I will never see again.  He has told a friend that he has returned to WV to his homestead, and home that he was born in, to die.  That made me wonder if he knew how he had mentored me as a young man thrown into the teaching profession, for which I did not plan, or prepare in college.  I did retire from a very successful career 4 yrs. ago after teaching high school, for 35 yrs. in one school.  I will work on my letter to him with all the good vibes from all of your stories, thank you.

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