    what was your most memorable vacation as a kid?

    +4  Views: 816 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    Thank You Bustieone for your insight and comments. :->

    5 Answers

    Summertime,.... Travelling to the oceansides of North and South Carolina in an old school bus that my Grandfather renovated into something almost posh inside, and camping beachside, all of us playing hard in the rough surf of the Atlantic for hours every day.  Taking whoever neighborhood kids could come with us at any given time. Grandma later said she was crazy to take them, anything bad could have happened, but nothing did.( I think it's because she was such a good woman). Having to bide our time from 11 am to after 2 pm, per my Grandma 'cause the suns rays were too strong (this was in the "70's! ), but still getting fried to a crisp being true Anglo-Saxon blooded. Coming back to the camper  late in the day and tried to sleep but cried from our aching, exhausted muscles and burned skin.  Playing in the arcade during the 'OFF' hours, paddle boats, video games, ping-pong, etc. Coming back to the campsite after hours in the ocean to the smell of Grandma cooking a full meal on the electric griddle tableside of the camper Grandpa had set up. Food  for everyone and we were Famished!... and she was such a great cookand took such great pleasure in feeding us!!  Great memories,...Thank you Grandpa Jim and Grandma Helen.<3<3


    sounds like a great memory! And like you were very lucky to have lived it!!

    I guess this question worked, I wanted to have every respondent have a memory, luckily the majority of which were beautiful, including this one!

    I used to stay with my uncle and aunt in northeastern Germany, We drove to Luxemburg, Belgium and Holland. I was so impressed  how clean these 3 states were. The most I loved, was the white chocolate made in Belgium . My uncle and aunt bought tons of it and I was allowed to have some every day.


    sounds like a storybook, it is a great memory, I am sure.

    Fantastic, one of a kind memory.....

    How Fab!!:-)

    Wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.

    @Ann..yes..they certainly do!!:-)

    Suffolk, England on my aunt and

    uncle's farm, when I was seven.


    To a kid, Farms are always fascinating!! I grew up early on on farms and I loved them!Animals, earth, trees, routines, life, death.... So interesting and intriquing! Not like anything else you know.

    to many .My  love of the river Clyde sailing on the worlds oldest paddle steamer called the "Waverley" my Mum Dad sister little brother the weather great then summer was summer .Seeing all the islands "Dunoon .the American navy was stationed .in the sixty's love picking mussels cockels from the beach gather twigs light a fire Dad would cook the shell fish .when water boiled the shells would open "ready for eating Yum .Maybe that's why I like fish today !! Only memories now ,Sigh !     



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