    How big should the portions of food be for a healthy diet?

    I want to eat enough nutrients per day but I do not want to overeat and give myself the possibity of having a stroke or heart attack. If you don't eat enough nutrients you can get cancer.

    I need to find the right balance as my mum died of cancer and my dad died of a strokeand heart attack, so it is in my genes. This is really important for me. Thank you.

    0  Views: 493 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

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    Most experts say you should never feel fool, always leave room so that you feel like you could eat a little more.Not too much bread, cakes ,and biscuits though.

    always eat a balanced meal of fruit ,veg and only sumtimes hav sweet stuff but the portions should be half veg half eg meatand not much fat.well eat as much of veg and gd stuff 4 u but if u eat sweets u should also eat a balanced meal of veg, bread and things like tht


    amazing inny....Keep your answers in the one post, and comments are to be made using comment this answer.Thanks.

    Thank you all. That is really useful - especally Food Pyramid Site.

    ur welcome



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