    How do you earn/get Karma on this website?

    I am new and have no karma and was wondering if somebody can tell me how to earn it!

    +4  Views: 2281 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    First 15pts, welcome to akaQA.

    2 Answers

    Welcome to aqaQA! You can contribute by answering or asking questions, as long as they're clean and make sense. A lot of smart people here, and funny ones too! If we can't provide an answer, we can most likely steer you in the right direction. What are Karma points?

    As you contribute to the community your profile accumulates Karma points. These points distinguish you as a respected member and one which opinion is highly regarded by the community. Gaining Karma points also opens up doors to some cool features in akaQA which are constantly added.

    The karma points system is not intended for resolving personal conflicts between members.

    Here's how karma points work:

    Each "Thumbs Up" on your question or answer yields 15 point.Each "Thumbs Down" on your question or answer yields -35 point.Each "Thumbs Down" on someone else's question yields -10 points.

    Number of daily votes

    The number of daily votes you can give is limited and grows as you gain more Karma points.


    What! No video??? Ha ha ha ;)

    Give good, clever answers and watch your karma build up!

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