    is pee good for plants

    0  Views: 745 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Yes it is >>>>

    Since it is comprised of nitrogenous chemicals, it does have value, since plants need Nitrogen.  However, it may burn, since it is strong in concentration.  And it is not good for your neighbors plants, since they will call the cops on you when you are caught applying it!  

    I pee in the compost bin as I believe it helps the breakdown of the vegetable matter.

    Is this organ-ic gardening?


    Human pee is sterile before it hit something and if placed in your window I don't think your would be very happy with it.

    Greetings Puran.

    well i guess because poo and newspaper are good for plants so i say yes

    You see all those dead spots in your yard where the dogs have been peeing? What do you think?


    dog urine kills my grass. It makes round, white, dead spots b/c of my inconsiderate neighbors that let their dogs pee and poop on my lawn.


    The experts do not agree with you.
    The big misconception about dog urine is that it destroys lawns. It doesn't. Dog urine is mostly water and studies have shown that, over time, lawns with dogs in them do just as well as lawns without dogs.

    Read more: How Does Dog Urine Differ From Human Urine? |

    i agree with MCM.  I used to pee at the same area of my lawn for a few days (sorry, my bad) when I was really young and that area completely turned yellowish brown.


    It's a man thing.....peeing outdoors in the back yard.

    what you could do is go pee in them pretty red leaves, if it thrives id say yea, if not nay. have fun with your experiment. lol. id say you will be doing a lot of neighing before hhollering yes.

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