    If One became as what religious books call the being of light or Holy Ghost, second returnn of Jesus ect. Whoo would they contact if they could prove without doubt that they can prove by facts and offer themself as to be tried by a trial or tribunal of what has been called the Great Commission of the divine premire of the divine proclaimation in the divine providence with an affirmanation in life and written word.

    and if that person had to get a hold of the president or some high level religious leaders do you think they would be able too.  Would the President, Queen or other be interested.


    0  Views: 659 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    "Whoo would they contact if they could prove without doubt that they can prove by facts and offer themself as to be tried by a trial or tribunal"

    Umm, I believe that would be Randy. :)

    4 Answers

    Egghead....Is this question going to be presented as part of your "English Communications Course"? 

    FAIL!     :(


    Interesting subject you bring up :).

    They are already on earth. It started in 2004 with the big tsunami and from that moment things are really changing on this world. Nothing shall stay hidden, all facts will come in sight of the normal hardworking people. Taking the money away and you see who has real power over people on earth. Think about it, Kings and (church-)leaders that seems to have powers now, got it by the money and ego's they have. What will be left from there 'power' when there's no money to buy power, vote's and 'believers'?

    So why should 'they' go to them to proof what and against what rules should 'they' be tested? The things scientists believe in, or better not believe in, are based on things from the past and many things had to be changed in opinion because they where overtaken by new wisdom. Take for example the 'fact' that it was proven that the world was flat or the so-called medicine knowledge, calling the original medicine alternative while what they give people to heal is just a part from what they copied from that same original that is no good anymore so they try to let us believe. If there's no money anymore what will you use to heal? You will pick an apple from a tree to eat or do you need a supermarket to know it's an apple?

    When they come out in the open, will you ask proof or do you grab the bread that they give you out of there hands that they just picked up out of the space around them like Jesus did when he had to feed an enormous group of people with just 1 bread and some fish. What more proof do you need it is Him with his disciples? Jesus comes again to tell us for the second time how we could live in peace on earth, but this time the Kings and leaders will be there to explain to the people why they have kept people from living the way he told us all to live the first time he was here and why leaders let the people believe they need there leaders to believe in Jesus.

    If you meet Him and open your heart you don't need proof it's Him because you will see the light and love and there will be no doubt as It is Him,starting a new age of peace and Harmonie between all people.

    How's that for an answer?

    Bless you all,



    Ay yi yi...that IS an answer!

    As for in Lord Jesus time or common era, it was the three Magi's who have confirmed of what was wirtten and have travelled as the Star of Bethlehem is guiding them. As of now, Lord Jesus Himself have said. "Only the Father knows."

    The study of Bible prophecy, also known as eschatology (the study of last things), can be very confusing and intimidating to many people, especially when all the different views are presented. It's  important for Christians to come together on the key issues about the future they all agree on. The three non-negotiable, immovable pillars of Christian eschatology, he says, are the literal, visible, physical return of Jesus Christ to Earth; the bodily resurrection of the dead; and the final judgment of all people. “These are the three points we must all wholeheartedly embrace,

    Someday we will stand before the judgment seat of Christ, not the king, the pope or any other human being, in judgment for every deed we've committed during our lifetime. It is written: "'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.'" Rom. 14:11 Before this happens the Bible describes a time of great tribulation that is coming upon this world in the end times – a time unlike anything the world has ever experienced. The Bible tell us that a final world ruler is coming who will control the world economically, spiritually and politically,

    He will be the future, final opponent of Jesus Christ. He will rise during the Tribulation to dominate the world. As important and interesting as it is to know about the character and course of the coming Antichrist, it’s essential to remember that the teaching about the Antichrist was not given to make us anxious but to make us aware. God has revealed this information to us not so we become preoccupied with the Antichrist or recklessly speculate about his identity, but to show us where this world is headed and to assure us that God is in control. Our awareness of God’s final victory over the Antichrist and evil assures believers that both the present and the future are firmly in God’s grasp.

    The question is are you  ready for the Lord's return? Have you repented of all sin, asked Him to be the Lord of your life and been baptized? On the Day of Pentecost when questioned about how to be saved, Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38 That is the only way to avoid the coming great tribulation.






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