    Did you think Sikhs (seeks) were Muslim, since they wore turbans?

    +7  Views: 2914 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: religion

    19 Answers

    Sikhism is a monotheistic religion with its own scriptures, initiation rites, marriage and funeral ceremonies, and places of pilgrimage and worship. The world’s 15 million Sikhs trace their beliefs back to a 15th-century Indian guru, or teacher, named Nanak. His followers were known as Sikhs, from a Sanskrit word meaning “disciple.” Nanak was born to Hindu parents in the Punjab region of northern India, his birthplace now being a part of Pakistan. The majority of his followers are from the Punjab, although Sikhs have settled throughout India and in other parts of the world.

    Nope.They are a whole 'nuther ball game.I know a few of them & they are OK.They are a little hard to trade with because they seem to think that they deserve a discount simply because they ask for it.But then so do the Muslims.

    I think many people think they are Muslim. The Sikhs are very peace-loving people and wear turbans, while Muslims do not.

    Not any more than mistaking the Pope for being Jewish due to his ever-present kippah.

    I wear a dress sometimes but that doesn't make me a Witness..........


    Romos wears a skirt.Does that make him/her a muslim/witness/sikh?

    Only if you were there during the murder.


    NO, I didn't. They seem like very mellow people.


    That's what I picked up from seeing the news yesterday, very mellow people. I never heard of them before yesterday.

    Never did!



    You look very smart Ted,

    Cuts down on expensive shampoo and creme rince costs.

    No, that's as dumb as saying the pope is Jewish because he wears a skull cap!

    Not me, but unfortunately, a lot of morons do. After the 9/11 attacks, there were many "misdirected"  attacks upon Sikhs in NY, where I live. Who knows what that mass-murderer in Wisconsin was thinking when he attacked the Sikhs in Wisconsin.

    I Knew a Sikh Policeman once that was allowed to wear his Turban instead of a crash helmet,


    Still do Dougal.

    Nope !

    If you wear a turban, it won't make you a Muslim or a Sikh. So for Sikhs it's a religious symbol, among others, that turban is worn and should be respected. 

    No. Muslims do not use to ´wear turbans!

    I try not to stereotype or assume.  Some times are more successful than others, but NO, I have never made that mistake.  There are other indicators that set the two apart. 

    turban is in islam there is no islam in turban.


    I just assume that anyone in head gear are not terrorist.  Makes the day easier to deal with………….


    Two answers????


     they are originated from Lahore. but after a war by muslim peoples they decided to convert themselves to an indian citizen


    what is your source of this info? Also have you forgotten the question?

    Sikhism is holy Religion near to Islam and Hinduism but not them. we can tell Islam and Hinduism had influence in Sikhism. and this point is as usual for all religions.

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