    how do i electrocute nuisance sparrows at my birdfeeder?

    0  Views: 6134 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Please don't kill the sparrows...they are not a nuisance! are feeding the birds...right?

    Sparrows ARE birds!! If you don't want sparrows at the feeder..STOP FEEDING THE BIRDS!!!


    I have no idea how to type a crosseyed face...but here (make crosseyed face) did you see that??

    I DID!!! I DID see it DOO!!!! hahaha!

    What else do you do? Do you torture animals ? You are sick, my friend.

    Sparrows are great birds! Most all birds eat pesky insects! Shame on you for wanting to kill little birds!  Also sparrows are food for other birds too, like hawks! It is not a good idea to mess with Mother Nature! She will GET you in the end!

    You want to electrocute these little harmless birds ?How cruel are you ?

    I have never in my life heard of a sparrow being a nuisance!!  Lindilou is dead-on...stop feeding the birds.  Sparrows are song birds..their diet is much the same as other song birds!!!  Sparrows are good luck!  

    PS In most of the continental US it is illegal to kill song birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    OMfreakingG DooLittle!!!! (gasping) I don't get it!? Sounds so bizarre to me to do this?! (how do I make a cross-eyed face?) :(

    ""Climb a pole with high voltage lines. Touch the wires. For an even warmer sensation, make sure your hands are wet. If that works, then extend a wire or add to it, and route it to the feeder. Trouble is, you might not get that far. Great question, though! A "big brother", huh? If your little sibling(s) is/are  a nuisance, what would you do? Maybe we can turn this into a dating site. If you're interested, I might have a match. There's a gal in Al(abama), on this site, who wants to know about burning down a neighbor's shed.


    "big brother": We haven't heard from you since 8/6. Did you ever get to climb that pole? 




    ...he's like....up there now with the ole lady yelling your instructions...LMAO!!! :D

    Awesome answer, Clonge!!! LOL :D


    Clonge, post only one time to a question. I moved one but deleted the other because at this point, you should know not to post multiple times to a question.

    I guess a Humming Bird is a nuisance also  Huh !   Killer !!

    I'll bet you were a nuisance at times to your leave the animals alone, I'm sure they're not only safer, but happier without your "act of kindness" 

    Your question is disgusting. If you're going to kill birds, then you SHOULDN'T  have a bird feeder ! In fact, you shouldn't kill ANY animal.......b/c animals are like us.........they have a soul and feelings.They are living, breathing, beings.

    I like your idea!  Go for it!  What most people don't understand is that the House sparrow (passer domesticus) sometimes called the ENGLISH sparrow is a bird not originally found in the Americas.  It was introduced in New York city in 1850 and our House sparrow population has descended from these. It is an aggressive bird and has proliferated here to the point of overpopulation.  Its "song" is nothing but a monotonous chirping when compared to an actual song sparrow or warbler.  It competes with and takes prime nesting spots and food away from more desirable native birds; some that are on the verge of species survival.  

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