    Have you ever wished something really bad upon someone else, and then bad things

    happened to you? My wife and I went through a bitter divorce and my ex-mother-in-law wished that my parents would drop dead. Shortly thereafter, her husband and she died of cancer and my ex-wife died of cancer. Brings to mind the saying, "Be careful what you wish for."

    +4  Views: 627 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    It's called karma, Clonge.

    And no, I don't wish for bad things to happen to

    people because I feel the Universe eventually

    balances things out.


    Ha ha...o'course! :)

    George O'Dowd...what a character. The song was okay back in the day but I love the clothes people wore back in that period. 1880s that is, not 1980s.

    I believe that we put good and bad energy into the Universe.  I believe in Karma.

    Story after story is proof of this belief.

    ... Again and again and again.

    No I don`t think I ever have...maybe I said bad things to my family when I was a kid.....but it I had a premonition when I was working in A/E during Carnival that my room mate who we had a fall out..minor..would be admitted...he was stabbed the next day and died in my arms....We were too similar..he was like a brother to me and I STILL MISS HIM TERRIBLY..IT`S SOMETHING i WILL LIVE WITH FOREVER!(12 Yrs ago this month)!(RIP STEVE)lesson learnt...always make up asap!

    Mental revenge is sweet but, I've never wished anyone real harm, I believe in karma too much......


    Karma is basically everything you do comes back to you, good or bad.......

    Even thought has energy. In the spiritual word it is all thought, no voice. Careful what you think, thoughts are "heard" there first.

     I truly do NOT want bad things to happen to people, even people who have totally blown me out of the water. I'd like them to experience similar hurt, but it's not in my hands. Nothing beyond that.

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