    Are solicitors honest and do they work on the side of their clients?

    Can you trust them with your money or money left from wills?

    0  Views: 405 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    solicitors firstly work for themselves,but hopefully with your interests foremost at heart,shop around and speak to a couple first before making a decision,I would also speak to a financial adviser before I did anything.Make sure you totally understand what is being said or suggested,it;s sometimes a good idea to take a friend with you 

    As in any other occupation, some solicitors are honest while others are greedy or have interests that might actually differ from what they say are. Finding a solicitor that was recommended to you and/or has a good reputation would be the best.

    As in every other walk of life and/or profession, some are, some are not.  Do your homework and check around BEFORE you hire and pay them.  Check with friends, local business people,  Chamber of Commerce, Better Business Bureau, etc.  Ask around and you'll soon know.  People do not hesitate to warn you if someone in their area, is dishonest. 

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