    i am scared of telling my bff (who is a boy) i love him i am worried it will ruin our current bff relationship how do i tell him?!

    he just left my bff (girl) because she was stuck up and he was tired of drama. Its just like that song "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift 

    i get butterflies when talks to me

    Or when he looks me in the eye.

    i can live with this secret anymore.

    i may just might cry 

    i get sweaty palms he gets close to me  

    or even if he calls my name

    i fear if i tell him,

    our realationship will never be the same.



    0  Views: 2648 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    So your two best friends just broke up and now you have a sudden need to tell the male, that you love him?  You say that he didn't like the drama with your other friend?  What do you call the situation that you are now about to create?  Sounds like more drama to me.  Stop VT.  You are feeling uncomfortable about telling him because you should not!  Relax.  Love will happen when it's the right time....for two people...not just one!


    No shiftyboyswift...not MY past but I've witnessed it happen and it's sad all around. And you "strongly disagree" with what?

    He is not going to know how you feel unless you tell him. You might get lucky and find that he feels the same way. It might make things awkward between you if he doesn't. Just talk to him face to face and tell him how you feel. You are taking a gamble telling him but it's better to get it out in the open now rather than wait until after he hooks up with someone else.

    I would wait a bit! Don't  tick off your girlfriend and getting a guy on the rebound just is CRAPPY! Time will help you out!

    Wait. What could it hurt? Better to be sure than to make an idiot of yourself..........

    i love him so much

    So you have written that little song.

    Very good.Have you written thr tune to go with it?

    Don't say that he love you if your his bff because you were friends to long.

    He is my life.I love him till i live

    just tell him yhe truth,and be honest with him tell him what you realy fill sbout him

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