Today, I am going with a victim of abuse and fraud to the courts for its important case against the offender. Your good thoughts and perhaps even a prayer will be very much appreciated.
Today, I am going with a victim of abuse and fraud to the courts for its important case against the offender. Your good thoughts and perhaps even a prayer will be very much appreciated.
Thanks Puran
10 Answers
Postponed? What a drag. More stress and worry. Glad you have your akaqa friends to support you....
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
(Sorry to bother people again) Yes, I'm glad with the support 'little help of my friends' , here at akaQA! It was a bad day for us here. She was very sad today after hearing of the postponing and just when she went to bed to get some rest, she got at her place the worst bad weather in years, thunder storms and gusts from over 100km/hr, very much rain in a very short time, trees going down, fires caused by lightning strikes and ships were in distress. Then she called me in the middle in the night and told me that one very loud thunder that make the house shaking, awaken her and her children from there sleep and all three did go together under a big blanket praying to God to save them. 1 hour later It reached my place so we didn't sleep of it and I could imagine why she was afraid. I normally said to children to smile because God is taken pictures of you, but this time it was too worse to tell them that.
My prayers go up again to Him, "Please Lord isn't it been enough for an abused mother and her two also abused children?"
My prayers go up again to Him, "Please Lord isn't it been enough for an abused mother and her two also abused children?"
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