@Dardaigh...Always room for more kittens!!(Crazy cat woman that I am)!;-)
16 Answers
Good things come in small packages.
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
No, Clu...to be honest with ya, I think this might be a "photo-shopped" pic. This little kitty looks as tiny as a mouse. :)
Dont think this kitten is for real , or some thing has been done to picture, to make kitty, look so small.
Colleen, thanks, had no idea how long mice live for. Guess five yrs is long time in mouses life span, must of looked strange,walking on his legs, no feet. poor little mite.
Depends on what the animal is. What do you consider a tiny animal?
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
How about a field mouse? I had one as a pet for 5 years. He had not feet. They got frost bite and his little toes and feet fell off.
a sea horse. I want one, but then I would have to get a salt water aquarium.And they're expensive and require a lot of upkeep.
@Colleen..Spoil sport!!;-)...Whatever happened to "And they all lived happily ever after"stories??:-0
Ah Collen that is soo sad glad your around to look after it I thank people like your selve what would do if there wernt people like you thank you Colleen
Hey, he adopted me, lol. I saw him on my back porch and he didn't run away. I talked to him for a few seconds and he started moving towards me, so I leaned down and put my hand out for him and he climbed right in. He was just a baby then. I saw he had no feet and one eye looked wounded so I knew he would not make it on his own. I went and got a mouse cage for him and called him little dude. He ended up blind in the one eye but he was a happy little guy in his cage that was designed like a maze. He had a sleeping chamber and a food storage chamber,a bathroom and a play room with little toys and chew sticks. Yup, I spoiled him. He stayed friendly and I was able to hold him and play with his toys with him. I miss the little guy. I'm glad he adopted me. :)
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
IF you knew my wife she is just like your mod COLLEEN THEY two are thick as thief's "TONGUE WAGGING ! TOGETHERD S DOES MY HEAD IN .ASK DOC. DOO.MY MENTOR !!
@Dowse..Ohh you poor henpecked male;-)...Try rugby tackling me!...I`M TALL AND SKINNY ..BUT OH so TOUGH!!:-)...I`m thinking of asking Colleen..."OUR" mod and your good lady wife if I can join their club!!...be careful what you(Don`t)wish for!!!!;-)) rotfl!:-0 XX
Nothing too small. A miniature dachshund would be (apparently) delicious; a budgie...my cat is normal-sized and my dogs are 50-100 pounds each.
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
I have been blessed with terrific cats! All of them (and there were close to 20 at one time).
@Bob..20!!..However did you cope with head counting at meal times..with 10 it`s a nightmare!!;-)
I lived nearly 1/2 mile from the road (country, not highway). The cats were all outdoors and there was a very large couple of tin bowls that were filled every day. When I spayed Peanut, most of the rest disappeared. I lost one to kidney failure. Now Peanut is the only one left and she is a seasoned Mom and very, very mellow. Loving and companionable.
You have 10? That is a lot if they are not farm cats!
You have 10? That is a lot if they are not farm cats!
@Bob...yep..way too many I know!...The vet sees me more than he sees his wife;-)...PEANUT..cute name..must be cool on a farm!..my guys have huge communal gdn as their play ground..and cat flap..they treat the place as a hotel!...If they could open a tin..they really wouldn`t need us!:-)..They all get all the attention...I want to come back as a well loved cat in ano life..(Not a bad life..eh)?!!:-)
I would LOVE to be able to jump like a cat! :D Signing off, Sunday 11:45; you're already into Monday afternoon. :D
thank you for asking, millie111; The 6 of us (my son, his GF, 2 daughters, and Baby Son, plu me) went for baby's hearing test Monday morning, but the hearing machine wasn't working. He is looking more like a person, has a great appetite, and is alert. Sweet. He is getting his medication and doesn't appear to be in distress. I'll keep you posted.
Couldnt resist this question and all the pictures I just love all animals wether small or large I had a a pet mouse he was a canadian red fox mouse he only lived for two years I loved him so much and was devastated when he died he gave me soo much happyness
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
beautiful pics,I too had a pet mouse.....until the cat let him out of his house,poor thing wasn't touched but I think he died of fright(the cat brought him in a few weeks prior and I kept him because he only had 3 legs)
Bob, his answer, is ment to be funny I think, dont like that pic either.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I'm OK with it because I don't think it was meant to do anything but show how small a doxie can be. CB is good people.
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