    use how much and how many in sentences

    0  Views: 614 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Both ‘much’ and ‘many’ are determiners, and have the same or similar definition. They mean ‘a lot of’, or ‘in great quantities’, or ‘a great amount’. They may mean the same, but their usage differs.

    These are the rules regarding the usage of ‘much’ and ‘many’ in the English language:

    If a noun is an uncountable noun (which is often in singular form), the ‘much’ determiner should be used.


    - How much money will it cost me?
    - This is what I get for drinking too much coffee.
    - How much sleep do you get every night?

    On the other hand, the determiner ‘many’ should be used with countable nouns, or plural nouns.


    - How many brothers and sisters have you got?
    - There are many empty chairs in the event.
    - How many fruits are there on the table?
    - Many children are impoverished in that region of the world.
    - There are many challenges that lie ahead.

    In affirmative sentences, ‘much’ is not usually used. ‘A lot of’, or ‘lots of’, is usually preferred.


    - I have a lot of work to do. (NOT much work)
    - I do not eat a lot of rice because I am on a diet. (NOT much rice)

    When ‘much’ is preceded by ‘so’, ‘too’, or ‘as’, it can be comfortably used in affirmative sentences.


    - I have so much work to do!
    - That’s too much rice for me to consume.
    - Train as much as possible, so you can be the best you can be.

    However, ‘many’ can be used in affirmative sentences extensively. It can be substituted with ‘a lot of’, or ‘lots of’, as well.


    - There are many things that we can do with this. (‘lots of things’ is also correct)
    - Many animals are migrating south in this time of year. (‘lots of animals’ is also correct)


    1. ‘Much’ should be appropriately used with uncountable nouns, while ‘Many’ should be used with countable nouns.

    2. ‘Much’ is most likely used with singular nouns, while ‘Many’ is used with plurals.

    3. ‘Much’ is awkward in affirmative sentences, if not preceded by ‘so’, ‘too’, or ‘as’, while ‘Many’ can be used extensively in affirmative sentences.

    Read more: Difference Between Much and Many | Difference Between | Much vs Many

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