    Do you push the elevator button more than once? If so do you believe it makes the elevator faster?

    Do you think pressing the elevator button more than once makes the elevator faster?

    0  Views: 1487 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    In most elevators it does not work.  In some older elevators it can take a few pushes to activate the whatchamagiggy to get the elevator moving in the correct direction.  I think it's a habit people have.

    I only push it once. I try not to push buttons more than once unless of course, it's a person. Those buttons are sometimes fun to push more than once. (I'm kidding. I'm kidding.) LOL!!!

    I push all buttons more than once, the elevator, the walk, the open door ones. Just do……...



    Sometimes........ It just makes me feel as if it will make it go faster, although I know it wont.

    This guy didn't get to push it at all! Lol


    ....LOL !

    I do press it more than once,,but i know it will not come faster,however, pressing more than once is making sure the message gets to the elevator that i am calling it,,,>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


    just rewire the lift controls to go to one floor only,Terry,
    terryfossil 1

    Great idea Hec,, But i do not know how to get past the button pushing stage..>>>><<<<<

    Terry , the message only goes to call the elevator once. And pushing it again won't help.
    terryfossil 1

    MCM,it will if the first message does not get through....>>>><<<<<<<<<<

    I often wonder how the signal is given to move to a different floor. Who knows for sure if the signal is relayed a second or third time? Anybody here an elevator mechanic, besides...

    I remember seeing in a mountain hut a notice next to the barometer saying ' Don't hit the barometer; it doesn't make the weather better, it makes the barometer worse'.

    Only once. I don't think the "door open" or "door close" buttons are functional, though.

    Sometimes I do but but it's like a doorbell.

    If they're taking for ever to answer, ya hit it

    again, to be sure it's working.


    Me too. Sometimes I ring it non-constant. lol

    I don't push more than once but I push both up and down because even at my advanced age, I still don't understand what button to push.

    If I want to go up,  do I push the up button??

    Or do I push the down button because I want the elevator (lift) to  come down and pick me up??

    They should make it easy, just ONE button that tells the elevator to pick  up a passenger on that floor, when I get in, I will press the floor button I want to go to.


    So, I press both buttons.    sometimes I get there a second or so ahead of someone, I press both buttons, they will say--  You going up or down??  I say, I dunno, wherever it takes me, I never been lost on an elevator before. :)

    I did get drunk one night and fell down an up escalator for 32 minutes. :)





    Up arrow for going up....Down arrow for going down. Simplified.....
    UP 4 UP........ DOWN 4 DOWN.....Now you'll never forget. :)

    If you pushed both buttons, you prob screwed it up or canceled out your call .

    At any point in time, there certainly can be some who need to go up and others who need to go down a few flights. This would result in both the up and down buttons being activated, Mrs. Otis.

    Mrs. Otis..... LOL!!!

    Your appreciation is appreciated, Ducky.

    Only when I'm in a real hurry. It only works when you truly need it to. Not unlike praying to God.


    digger, glad to hear you think praying to God works when you really need it.

    MCM: you missed the dialogue digger and I shared a couple of weeks ago about God and responding to prayer. You might find it helpful in understanding "digger and God" better.

    YOU tell her, Bob. ;-)

    The one thing to avoid in a lift is farting, though if you are the only occupant you can leave it as a present to the next users.


    Umbriel???? Is that you?

    Yes, I'm back, but don't tell the moderators.

    As long as you behave yourself...

    I'll try but no promises.

    Same here

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