12 Answers
I do press it more than once,,but i know it will not come faster,however, pressing more than once is making sure the message gets to the elevator that i am calling it,,,>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I don't push more than once but I push both up and down because even at my advanced age, I still don't understand what button to push.
If I want to go up, do I push the up button??
Or do I push the down button because I want the elevator (lift) to come down and pick me up??
They should make it easy, just ONE button that tells the elevator to pick up a passenger on that floor, when I get in, I will press the floor button I want to go to.
So, I press both buttons. sometimes I get there a second or so ahead of someone, I press both buttons, they will say-- You going up or down?? I say, I dunno, wherever it takes me, I never been lost on an elevator before. :)
I did get drunk one night and fell down an up escalator for 32 minutes. :)
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

UP 4 UP........ DOWN 4 DOWN.....Now you'll never forget. :)
Only when I'm in a real hurry. It only works when you truly need it to. Not unlike praying to God.
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |