11 Answers
Don't make it your focal point. Everyone in the world lives with stress. You're not unique.
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Alienate yourself from stressful situations. Look at your life and examine what is bothering you. Either walk away from it or fix it, just quit worrying about it, worry brings on stress. Sound easy?? It is when you're on the other side and looking back but its worth the effort you put into it.
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
One way to reduce stress is using a breathing method: take 10 slow deep and slow breaths through your nose, and exhale through your mouth.
For more relaxation tip you may visit the following sites:
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Click here>>http://www.patient.co.uk/health/Stress-Tips-on-How-to-Avoid-It.htm
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
There is no way of avoiding stress, we all need it to keep us on the right path, to get us out of bed every morning. What's important is how we deal with it. Some people cope in the most incredibly stressful situations and come through it smiling, others just go to pieces as a result of which the stress increases. For example, you go for an interview for a job you really want and you worry that you're going to be asked something you don't know, about the spot on the end of your nose,that you're wearing the wrong sort of clothes, that your hair's a mess, that the interviewer is not going to like you - any or all of a hundred or so different worries none of which have actually happened (ie you are just imagining the worst case scenario). In that case, you are so wrapped up yourself you are very unlikely to do well at the interview, and failure will just reinforce all these negative thoughts about yourself which prevent you from believing in yourself and showing yourself in the best light. On the other hand, if you go into that interview feeling confident, not worrying about your appearance or their possible reaction to you ,if you can forget yourself and concentrate on them, so that you just look them in the eye, smile and be pleasant, the right answers just come easily - and voila, you're much more likely to get the job. I don't know what is causing your stress, but the root of being unable to cope with it has to be a lack of self-confidence. This is not something that can be fixed overnight, and maybe you will need some help. Perhaps you should try talking to someone close to you, someone you can trust - telling them of your fears, your hopes, and listening to them. If this isn't possible, if stress is ruining your life, if you find it impossible to follow the great advice you have already been given here - then get help. If you can find the right help for you, you will never regret it. I wish you all the best.
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |