
    Baby Andrew has two holes in his heart.  He has been prescribed two medications (one is lasik; you know the one advertised on TV) and the other I can't remember the name.  He will take them each 2x/day and go back to doctor in one month.  The dosages and reactions need to be monitored carefully; his potassium level could elevate; an overdose could kill him. 
    One of the first questions the doctor asked Mom was whether or not she smoked during pregnancy (she did).  I left the room so they could discuss the other things that were done during the pregnancy.  
    I will never, never say anything to Mom about her substance abuse during the pregnancies, but if I ever suspect drug or alcohol abuse by either of them, I will take steps to get the children out of their custody.  In the meantime, I am supportive and enjoyed having the family overnight. Hopefully they will visit again.
    Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.  He is 9 days old and weighs 8 pounds. I enjoyed holding and feeding him, and just holding him some more. My granddaughters are getting comfortable with me and it's wonderful to be greeted with a big smile and hug!  

    +9  Views: 2189 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: babies

    14 Answers

    Glad to hear little Andrew is thriving,

    8 lbs. thats a great weight for the

    little fella. :)



    It would so cool to send those flowers to Andrew and his family. VERY NICE! Thank you, Dardaigh

    Wonderful news! Andrew is on his way to recovery. What a relief that must be for all of you. seems to be all good so I'm sure you are relieved, at least somewhat. 

    Bob, God bless you and your are gaining the respect you so deserve honey and these little grandkids are attesting to it with their smiles and warming up to you...wonderful things are to come so keep showering this beautiful baby boy with your LOVE babe! LOVE and LOVE and LOVE some more! Sending more now....LOVE stream comin' through!!!



    Would love to get them closer to the town where I live, but as long as they are moving in a positive direction, I'm thankful! Thanks for your support, lindilou.

    Bob you're beautiful AND wise...a good woman..don't ever forget this! Peace friend. ;)

    That is the good news from the doctor no surgery just medcicine Andrew will get well soon:)


    Yes, the hope is the holes will close on their own and with the help of the medication. Surgery will be a last resort.
    Hope you and yours are doing well. It's tough times.

    You're welcome Bob/PKB:)

    Thanks for the update.  I'll keep praying for Andrew and your entire family!  I am so glad the girls have warmed up to you!!!!

    Good news! Keep a stiff upper lip and a prayer in your heart. Hope all is well with everybody......jhh

    Best wishes Bobette.  I truly hope all things turn out well for all of your grandchildren and their parents. 

    Glad to hear things are looking better for little Andrew Bob. I had a cousin back in the 50's who was born with the same problem in the UK. At that time they didn't have the expertise or drugs that they do now, he had to have an operation, but he has lived a normal healthy life for the past 60 years never had any problems. So I feel sure your little grandson will be fine with all the modern things they can do these days, with loving parents and yourself he can't go wrong. God bless you all.


    It is comforting to hear about similar cases and healthy outcomes! Thank you sunnyB

    Blessings to all your family!  Little Andrew seems to be doing well! Babies are tough aren't they?  I will keep you in my prayers, Bob! Love to all!

    "" Very good news I wish you and his family and baby Andrew all the best speedy recoverery xxxxx

    Great news BobPKB, out of all this some good has come, little Andrew appears to be making progress and this has given your family reason to become close,my best wishes to you all   ""


    I have little time, but listen to this. The first song was used to be a sleeping song for little children. My wifes mother sung it always for her.

    I will follow soon with a translation and message.

    greetings Puran.

    (If you have the time, write a message to puran (at) easwaramma (dot) nl so I can write you a private message about Andrew.)


    Puran, honey this is just so beautiful..I do not want to guess at what language this please tell me which beautiful language this song is sung in? It is hauntingly beautiful and comforting to hear..thanks for this link puran! Thank you!

    You are Zen? Yes? Am I being too inquisitive?
    If so I apologize..I am getting this very cool vibration from these things you write and give as little gifts..tidbits of wisdom and love so to speak. There is a vibration attached to this...a memory from another time perhaps..if you wish to remain incognito..well, I can 'dig it' ! Peace friend. ;)

    @Lindilo: Some thoughts I reach out for if I have to explain what I'm;
    It is more blessed to give than to receive. BIBLE, Acts 20:35
    Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God. BIBLE, Matthew 5:8

    Dear Lindilo, it is not important who I'm, if I'm Zen, Guru, Priest or an Angel. It's important what I do to show A way to God even though I am still learning and still not without errors.
    For more then 8000 years people came to earth to bring a message. Some were high placed, some were just the milkman that shows a big smile and a few kind words that inspired there customers. They reach out for our hearts and try to bring love and peace to reach that sparkle of light in us, that part of God that we all have in us as the bible said "So God created people in his own image, ...". I try to follow that what I feel inside me as a calling to reach out for that sparkle in people to let it glow, get stronger and brighter so one feel the power within them.
    So you wrote "I am getting this very cool vibration" what I already sensed in you making you special as awakened. If you email me at the address above I can tell you some more if you want.
    Greetings Puran.

    Aha! Here's a big hug...thank-you...I may email sometime. Peace. :)

    That`s good news Bob!!...(I`d do flowers for YOU!!too..all that you`ve been/going through!...(I still can`t do pictures:-( learning..just as soon as...)..I`m so happy for you and baby Andrew and family though! are still and always in my thoughts and prayers!...Keep positive..the news is great!..:-)

    Love and all good wishes,Millie xx

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