    Would we be better of changing gun laws OR changing violent programing from tv, video games, & movies?

    +4  Views: 885 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    tabber, you always ask a good question!

    6 Answers

    I think, change the gun laws. To many people have guns.


    hear hear Dollybird

    Not enough have guns. If more law abiding citizens carried guns, the criminals would think twice about pulling one knowing their butt might get blown away by 20 guns pointing back at them.

    It worked in the old west and reality is, there were little gun related deaths back then when everyone carried a gun.

    The right to bear arms is protected by the US Constitution. I think movies and media all together could stand to show less violence and nudity too, while we're at it. 


    Colleen, when it comes to carrying guns, Im happy to live in Ireland, not the States.

    That's because you've been brainwashed into thinking it's somehow safer to not let the law abiding citizens have guns even when all the criminals do. What's next? Should you all start peddling bikes again because cars kill? Whoops, one can get killed by a bicycle too.

    This is a topic about gun law, not hitting on people in general. I love America, and its people, been there many times.

    But the gun law is all about "hitting people" or more about the fact that bullets hit people and kill them. So do thousands of other things. There are no accidents. Everything that happens was meant to happen. Something greater than us is in charge. Taking guns away from the law abiding citizens will only make deaths higher when the criminals get the upper hand knowing only the under staffed police depts. can go against them.

    I made this comment a few questions back and doo pointed out the actual wording of the 2nd amendment doesn't specifically say individuals have the right to bear arms. "MILITIA" is the word. I agree with you, but the wording is up for grabs.

    The right to bear arms defined:
    Right to keep and bear arms
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    For other uses, see Right to bear arms (disambiguation).
    The right to keep and bear arms (often referred as the right to bear arms or to have arms) is the enumerated right that people have a personal right to firearms for individual use, and a collective right to bear arms in a militia.[1]
    The phrase "right of the people to keep and bear Arms" was first used in the text of the United States Bill of Rights (coming into law as the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States). Beyond the United States of America, the general concept of a right to bear arms varies widely by country, state or jurisdiction.

    As worded in the bill of rights (which again was made law in the US Constitution):
    Article the fourth [Amendment II][4]

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    We have the right to a militia AND the right to personally keep and bear arms.

    As worded in the US Constitution (2nd amendment):

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    >>> "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms" <<<

    shall not be infringed!

    Could you copy and paste these words to Doo in whatever question she posted to please?

    Legal Institution website notes:
    A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

    In spite of extensive recent discussion and much legislative action with respect to regulation of the purchase, possession, and transportation of firearms, as well as proposals to substantially curtail ownership of firearms, there is no definitive resolution by the courts of just what right the Second Amendment protects. The opposing theories, perhaps oversimplified, are an “individual rights” thesis whereby individuals are protected in ownership, possession, and transportation, and a “states’ rights” thesis whereby it is said the purpose of the clause is to protect the States in their authority to maintain formal, organized militia units.1 Whatever the Amendment may mean, it is a bar only to federal action, not extending to state2 or private3 restraints. The Supreme Court has given effect to the dependent clause of the Amendment in the only case in which it has tested a congressional enactment against the constitutional prohibition, seeming to affirm individual protection but only in the context of the maintenance of a militia or other such public force.

    Personally, I'm having trouble finding where this amendment specifically tells an individual he shall have the right to bear and keep arms, but I also believe that when this was written (1791), the idea that an individual would NOT have a gun was absurd, and thus not something the authors thought needed to be protected.

    This argument has been brought forth by proponents of legislature that would remove the right of free Americans to own firearms. It is weak at best regardless of the argument. How anyone can not clearly see the words "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed" is beyond me. It's a stupid argument to say it's not clear. The law clearly reads in two parts. 1. Each state can form it's own militia and arm it. This militia being one outside of the US Military. 2. Each American legally allowed by the gun laws on the books today, has the right to keep and bear arms. It can't be any clearer.

    It's an unfortunate fact, but society and values have changed, I think irreversibly, there are many contributing factors I am personally not in favour of the easy access of guns, however I doubt this, or the outlawing of violent movies or games would change the mentality of those that are intent on committing violent offence   


    What do you call easy access? It takes 3 weeks and your background checked before you can purchase a gun.

    Citizens of the United States,keep on carry guns as they wish, shock us more and more, by the disaster, even some schools have been effected, shootings, killings etc. How often do you read or hear about such shooting disasters here in Ireland.Im not saying that every person here have firearms with permits, but it is still safe in most places to be out and about.

    How tiny is Ireland compared to the USA? How many gun carrying illegals are crossing your boarders everyday? I think you can fit all of Ireland into Pennsylvania. You can not compare Ireland crime rate to the US crime rate. We have a much lager melting pot of all cultures (huge compared to yours) than Ireland and cultures do not mix well. Crap will happen here all the time. Look at the people who come here. There are loonies in every culture. We just get more of them because we are the largest nation.

    I have seen some TV programmes , showing, where there are places where guns can be bought in States, once you have the Dollars, no questions asked.I have no idea how many illegals are crossing our boarders every day. Ireland has still not become a mini Wild

    Our west was not that wild. Hollywood just likes to portray it that way. Like I said elsewhere, when all citizens wore guns, there were actually few gun related deaths per capita. Mostly people were hanged.

    Black markets abound all over the world. The US has it's share. It takes the CIA and law enforcement to shut them down. Here, we do have gun laws even though your media presents a different picture. All part of the brainwashing to keep you all believing you do not need guns.

    Colleen, why do we need guns, to shoot each other.!!! Life here is not that dangerous that people need to carry guns.There does be some shooting, but mainly drug related. Guess life here and in States is very different.

    Yes it is different. Your melting pot is much smaller and there's not as much money to be made doing illegal business there.
    " Colleen, why do we need guns, to shoot each other.!!!"

    We do not shoot each other either. Nut jobs here get guns and shoot people. Law abiding citizens who have guns are not out gunning people down. I have a gun and I've never shot a person, not even an animal. I like the right to bear arms. I may never need to use my gun to defend myself but I like knowing I have it and have the right to use it. My government lets too many desperadoes into my country.


    Population of USA 313,973,000
    Population of Ireland 4,581,269

    Seeing the difference in our populations, can you now see why we would have more gun related deaths than Ireland?

    Our gun deaths per capita, stands at about 14% per 100,00.
    Ireland is at just under 1% per 100,00.
    Add 309 million more people to your country to equal out the 100,00's and watch your gun deaths go up.

    Easy access for any weapon,to me is for any purpose other than a legitimate licensed sport,or profession,and the use of which is limited for this purpose only,our laws are strict,but penalty for illegal possession is relatively lenient,I would like to see the penalty for the illegal possession much heavier, it's almost harder here to purchase a can of spray paint (truly)

    Dollybird.. You think that too many people have guns-- So, you would make it illegal to own a gun. Then as the old cleche' goes, 'only criminals would have guns'   Remember, criminals are criminals because they don't pay attention to laws..  When will people understand this??? It's a no brainer.  Should we take cars off the road because people get killed by them>> should we remove forks because people are fat?? Should we break the pencil that sends a nasty note?  Removing a great American past-time is not the answer, its the people that have the problem, not the guns. We must get to the source of violence, be it with a knife, gun, fork, fertilizer or whatever weapon is used.. BTW, a rock is also an assault weapon. We must start with the home, the parents, the schools.. Also punishments must be stricter and current gunlaws enforced.  Removing guns from law-abiding citizens is silly..



    pppst- good point but I can eat steak using a spoon and a knife :)

    You would not have a knife....knives kill.

    OK, I'll use my hands and teeth- will I still have teeth?????

    Umm, teeth may be fine for now. I can't think of anyone who was bitten to death by another person. Even cannibals spear their meals before gnawing into them.

    Good- because I would look funny without them and unable to speak at least 52 animals languages.

    Guess your right, your Government let in to many
    desperadoes, which just adds to American desperadoes.Such is life.

    I'm not a desperado. I'm not out killing people. Why must you continue to push that the USA is so bad? We spend 1/2 our time fighting criminals trying to take over our country and the other 1/2 fighting misconceptions that the USA is a killing field. The world loves to highlight whatever happens in the USA and many of the believers that the USA is so bad have never even been here.

    Vinny, no I would not make it illegal to own a gun, once gun is in hands of the right people, with permits. You cant compare cars with guns ,accidents happen.I agree, its the people that have the problems,not the guns. Could the Government be the main problem, because Im sure they make a lot of dollars, from them.As you rightly stated,current gun laws enforced.

    Dolly, in my area of CA we have practically no crime rate-- Although I am not 'influential' the area is, I was kinda grandfathered in, I have lived here almost 30 years. That said, we have over 300 million people here in the USA, we also have a sick scoop hounding media that will go on a frenzy when one of these 300 million goes bezerk. There ate over 600 million guns here, most are in the hands of respectable considerate American Citizens and most of them would not swat a flea, they have them for shooting sport, of course many are hunters as well but paper punching hobby is bigger than hunters. Criminals get their guns from many sources, most illegal, stolen or otherwise purchased on the internet from other countries. According to 'our' constitution every American has the right to protect themselves. I like this, however, if you remove the guns from law abiding citizens, you only make it easier for criminals to take a unobstructed path to you and your family. 300 million people is a lot of people to keep in check.

    Vinny A man to the A man!!! This is one of the great answer of akaqa & i LOVE it. Home, parents and schools is programming. My argument precisely!!! Programming is the most vital part of gun violence. I would never agree to taking guns away from the everyday law abiding citizen. The bad people can get guns when we cannot. And I quote. "removing guns from law-abiding citizen is silly like willy without his wife nilly."

    < comment moved to where it goes>


    Dollybird: tabber, you are funny.

    Just my personal opinion, the violence in movies, television, and games is excessive.  See it enough and become numb.  It's just a game or movie; the "victims" are up for another game or playing a different role in the next movie.  
    Too many people are getting their values from these sources.  Like Vinny says, home (and community) need to step up and instill better morals.  Shooting people isn't an acceptable answer to any problem, real or perceived.  
    Glamorizing or sensationalizing those mass murdering shooters is also a problem.  The "human interest" aspects of these "defendants" doesn't belong in the news; it belongs in the courtroom. News media is a major problem.  Keep the friends and family members out of the spotlight.  Don't create public sympathy; report the NEWS and feature POSITIVE influences.   

    The thing is that most gun owners in America are law abiding people and never have the need to use them in desperate situations, but if you need to it's good to be able to protect yourself. It's the same with games; most people play violent games and exhibit no ill effects. If parents are worried about their effects on their children then by all means regulate their exposure to them, but others should have the right to decide for themselves.

    These types of control laws are a slippery slope. They should be sensible, but not onerous. After all, it is constitutional to own weapons in American and while that doesn't preclude reasonable controls, it also doesn't mean that the government can ride roughshod all over the constitution.

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