    do guinea hens get along well with other chickens?

    0  Views: 669 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

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    We had both at one time and there were no feuds.  They really didn't befriend each other. If there are babies however , Mothers are very protective!

    Best to try it gradually, put the new one in a cage within the pen of chickens, and watch for reactions, then let it out with them.  I would not be so concerned though, as Guinea hens do fly quite well, and could get away if being picked on.  More at risk is weather any infectious agents are also entering the flock, that the chickens do not have immunity to. 

     I do not know, but they would fight like cats and dogs, WBMG






    Ha ha ha... :)

    They're all basically chickens,so they should get along together.....kinda like different fish in a fish tank. However, if they're like cats, or women, the females will occasionaly nit pick and fight.


    Wow, way to go mcm. Nice vote up for your own gender. Men never nit pick or fight?

    No, males by pass the nit picking and fighting and go straight for the kill. Never put two male fowls together when there are hens around. One will kill the other.

    In the human world, men b*tch just as much as women and they are picky and they fight.

    Fish in fish tanks do not always get along. It depends on what part of the world they come from. It depends on size and it depends upon what each fish feeds upon. There are marine fish, brackish water fish, soft water fish, hard water fish and fish that live in puddles for a certain amount of time each year.
    You could never put a Goldfish with a Grouper ... One, because they don't come from the same body of water, Two, because the majority of fish in the Goldfish family have been altered and bred by man and Three, Groupers are a wide mouthed fish that eats other fish.
    The list is very long on what fish "Do not co-habitate". Much longer than the list of what fish "Can live together".
    A friend of mine has chickens and this year she bought some brown chickens. Those chickens had to be taken back to where she purchased them from as the other chickens and the rooster did not care for the brown chickens even though they all went into the pen at the same time.
    I don't nit pick and fight... I walk away. My first husband was a big nit picker... yap yap yap all day long.
    I think your theory has a few holes in it.

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