    if your car is stolen from where you pay monthly to park is anyone liable

    0  Views: 1219 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: legal

    5 Answers

    I believe that if you look at your claim ticket backside it will say something like this..

    [company name] 'is not responsible for lost or stolen or damaged property'  your car is a 'property' and it was stolen'  sorry chump.. Hopefully your auto insurance will cover it.

    Hi, Point ( 1 ) if the place where you pay to park your car is not sufficiently displaying signpost's advertising that they are not responsible for the theft or lost or stolen property, you may have a claim. 

    (2) what is their duty of care of your (property )when you pay to park your car on their land, Did you hide your goods, handbag, property in the boot of your car, did you act responsibly so it would not tempt a theft.? the definition of property is open to interpretation. you bought a service from them, were they negligent

    (3) advice from a no win no fee solicitor could help if you have grounds for a claim.

    Good luck.

    What country/state/province/other locale are you referring to?

    if the company is not responsable for lost or stolen property then why are you paying to park?

    What country/state/province/other locale are you referring to?

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