8 Answers
Never worked for me- but I dont think I have a hypnotic personality...
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
I have good sales resistance, and I'm not gullible.
Try 'sleepytime tea'...rosehip tea...valerian root tea with honey as it's bitter on its own...massage...good ole warmed milk...reading for slumbering the eyes...
Honey I've always wondered who exactly made up the rules for when we sleep...as babies we sleep whenever the heck we want to...and wake up whenever we want to...we can learn alot from babies...now get to sleep millie bean!! ;)
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
It happens to me all the time...oddly enough especially with nicknames! ;D
I have a rule... No coffee after 3pm. It helps.There are also herbal remedies. Suisse "Sleep" tablets gave me some rest.Worth trying.
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I have had good sucess with camomille tea before bedtime. Meditation also is very calming. It is very hard to function without sleep. You are going through some stressful times. I have never tried hypnosis myself..Lindilou and Tommy have alo some good sugestions.. You can try one at a time and see if it works for you..
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |


Karma: 60935
Thank you Ann..I actually bought some herbal mixture of leaves ??What..from Neal`s Yard today...I cut out the diet coke and am on H20!...I ran 10K..early evening and shall try hot milk tonight!:-)..Meditation is a GREAT idea thanks...but It would send me even crazier,if that`s possible...I just can`t sit still for more than a minute!!:-)Lol!!...I`m also taking on a new approach of trying not to stress if I can`t sleep..worrying re it only makes it worse!;-) I`ll have to sleep eventually!...its just a horrid nuisance!!...Thank you and the O`s for your help! xxmillie
I tried hypnosis to give up cigarettes some years ago it worked ,the habit used to worry me, now I'm quite relaxed about smoking and enjoy it more than ever! I empathize with your sleeping problem as I have insomnia, and have had for many years,it's a huge problem, I can't offer advice as I haven't found a solution other than sleeping tablets, I hope you find something that helps you
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I was successfully hypnotized a couple of times; I think you need to keep reinforcing the concepts somehow following the hypnosis, and you have to be open-minded about the process and trust the hypnotist.
My son was prescribed "melatonin" as a sleep aid. It definitely helped him sleep well and he awoke refreshed and ready to meet the new day.
Perhaps a bedtime routine would help your mind accept sleep more quickly. (I wash my face; I brush my teeth; I turn off all the lights; I plug in my cell phone to recharge; I check to make sure home is secure; I ...) For myself, I work on a puzzle (Sudoku, Jumble, Crossword, Cryptogram) before going to sleep. I sleep better when I've said a prayer of thankfulness, too.
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I went to a hypnotist once. They just suggest things to you that you already know, but don't practice. Millie, aren't you the one that said your mother is not doing well ? So, it's understandable if you're not sleeping under those circumstances. Take two Tylenol an hour or so before you go to bed. It makes a lot of people sleepy . It makes me very relaxed and sleepy.
God will be with you.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I take warm milk. Read a book till feeling sleepy IT WORKS FOR ME .
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |