    Someone told me that cigarettes, { nicotine } clears the digestive system out.

    Someone told me that cigarettes, { nicotine } clears the digestive system out.In the morning time. That its suppose to make you have a bowl movement. Is this a proven fact?

    +1  Views: 1340 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    Cigarettes do a lot of things,they have for me

    caused cancer

    lowered my immune system so badly I catch everything,including contracting non tuberculosis mycobacterial lung disease, took 2 years of drug therapy and has effected the quality of my life forever.

    caused COPD

    Emphysema and asthma

    cost me a fortune..........need I continue 

    Yes a cigarette will clear the digestive system out , but you have to eat it rather than smoke it to get the full effect. Ipecac has the same effect and some left-over perishables like rice pudding made with eggs, milk, sugar and raisins…baked til browning on top, then left  overnight exposed on the kitchen counter to consume for breakfast. Delicious, and tastier than eating a cigarette with the same effect.      

    Roman customs are so under rated according to my mom.  


    I swear by the gods robertgrist! ;D

    Don't listen to them,don't start smoking,it will affect a lot more than your digestion.

    DON'T DO IT!

    Apart from all of the above advice, cigarette

    smoking can often leave your face looking

    like a road map, with the wrinkles.

    YES, but it uses cancer cells to do it.

    Find another COLON CLENSER.

    Smoking can cause stomach ulcers and acid reflux. 

    EAT FIBRE. For a clean out smoking "KILLS" not healthy Water is very good to cleanse your system out.

    Nothing good comes out of cigarette smoking, with perhaps the one exception of making the after taste of an alcoholic drink taste better.

    Yes and so does Metamucil but Metamucil is better for you in the long run. Smoking is expensive.....

    ..and cocaine will clean out your sinuses.  Both REALLY REALLY BAD ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are many safe food, herbal, and over the counter remedies to a bit of constipation- cigs are NOT one of them.

    p.s.  radiation sickness (say from a nuclear explosion) can also clean out your may seem harsh- but both rad sickness from nuclear fallout and cigs will eventually kill you.


    robertgrist says to eat the dang thang!! LOL!

    actually, that would even gross me out-lol..maybe it would work as an anti cig. campaign. Parents make your kids eat a pack if you catch them somoking- YUCKO. (Have them close to the toilet as it would prob. make them really sick!)

    Snort enough and you can actually cause the cartilage separating your two nostrils to disintegrate!

    Didn't that happen to Stevie Nicks some many years ago!? Painful way to get kicks I'd say! Yowww!

    LL: I thought it was someone, but never knew who. Pretty pathetic disregard for yourself.

    actually that septum problem is fairly common amongst coke users...along with other great problems!

    The only place that shizzle ought be used is for Dentistry.It was intended for that and is used in a non-euphoric format for jaw dysfunctions and breaks...when I learned this some 25 years ago I ceased self-medicating!

    Hmmm...maybe dentists aren't so bad. JK

    My favorite people on Earth...really! Them and Craniopathic Chiropractors!! They helped me live when I wanted to die..I suffered for many years with a clean-break busted right mandible....glad that's over with. Yow!

    No one loves being constipated, but I'd prefer that over all the possible consequences of smoking.

    Oh my goodness child who told you that? Some horse thief? What would possess you to think that something as stoopid as this could possibly hold any merit whatsoever!??Is that you in your avatar photo? If so, you seem very young to be having troubles with digestion? What does your diet consist of? If you feed and exercise your body properly with healthy and fresh foods you will attain a wonderful level of health. You will be strong and capable all of your days! So..just eat many fresh fruits and vegetables everyday, drink a few large glasses of clean fresh water everyday, have some sort of proteins,like lean meats..add things like mushrooms and seaweeds to your diet..the many seaweeds help prevent or dispel arthritic maladies! If you eat right your body will follow and act accordingly! Peace beautiful girl.

    Healthy ways to cleanse your`s a few....Drink plenty of H20...add lemon juice at times! tea..healthy diet..plenty of fruit n veg...exercise...high fibre diet!!:-)

    You and that "someone with the advice", should do a little research on tobacco, don't you think?  There is no excuse now, for anyone to be ignorant about the consequencs of tobacco use.  The research is abundant and has been for years. There is not one benefit to smoking!  So don't!

    Third hit of the first butt of the day and I'm off and running. Find something safer. Not good "Drano" for the body.

    Charcoal will also clean your digestive system, who wants to eat a hunk of charcoal though-- They do have it in pill form though.

    as for nicotine,  I have quit, started, quit again etc.. Currently I am smoking small cigars.   I feel that everyone is different, anything you consume is dangerious if you get enough of it, I am not condoning cigarettes, its a filthy habit but I think too much concern has been put on the effects of nicotine in general.  All of us know people that have lived well into their 90's and smoked all their lives, then there are some that died young, Problem I have with this is that it makes no difference what a person dies of, if they smoked, their death is always pinned on smoking. Second hand smoke, they say a person that didn't ever smoke and lived with a smoker died of second hand smoke.. This is total BS!!   Years ago when people died, they died of 'natural causes'  This means, 'it was their time' .. Nothing can stop that.  Once again, I do not condone smoking by anyone, its a filthy habit! However, on the otherhand, I really don't think they have ANY absolute proof that people died of smoking except in some cases where the smoker breathed more smoke than air, (chain smokers).. If you got hooked on lettuice and ate it everyday, eventually you will get sick, possibly die.  BTW: smoking helps me keep weight off as I am not so hungry.. Sometimes i get the urge to eat, I will go outside and 'cigar' up and hunger goes away. People that are overweight chance diabetes, stroke, heart attack..

    Finally I want to add--  DON'T SMOKE!!! it stinks! 

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