    love song that brings back sad memories?

    I can’t forget this evening
    or your face when you were leaving
    You always smile but in your eyes
    your sorrow shows. Yes it shows ...

    In  the pickup moving away. It kept playing on the radio. I was devastated. 

    It’s Harry Nillson --- Nilson Shmillson







    +7  Views: 2019 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    @Its... Oh I love that is really sad though..I can imagine how you felt!:-¬

    13 Answers

    I want to know what love is..... By Foreigner .


    Whoa ... That takes me back ... <3

    That's pretty . Just bought an older Foreigner CD that has that one on it. Been listening to all of them .

    Tears in heaven by Eric Clapton.....True story about how he lost his son due to a tragic accident..!


    I have his acoustic version- his voice cracks at one point. What a tragic way to lose a child!

    Very sad indeed to lose a son at such a tender young age really breaks your heart..

    He was 2 at the time..I think.

    His son fell out a window. Two other ladies and I sang that at an open mike coffee house. We played our guitars. One of the girls was only 16 and she sang it beautifully .

    Better Man - Pearl Jam


    Gets me right there....

    ..... :| sigh.

    As time goes by as that famous line play it again sam Casablanca and the rose""""""


    My friend, Gary, and I saw that movie again last winter at a theater that plays old movies. I got a T Shirt with that logo on it. We did research on the movie before we saw it.

    MJ`s "SMILE"..while/st your heart is breaking....and "Simply having a Wonderful Xmas time"....THAT was playing in all the shopping centres when my Dad died...I Used to spend half the time trying to compose myself in the baby changing bathrooms!!:-(


    Some things we associate with a sad time even though it's really nothing to do with what happened. It takes time to disassociate a song with an event. My wedding "exit the church" song was Rod Stewart's "You're In My Soul" and I cried for far too long when I heard that song after our marriage ended. Now a memory, but back then.....inconsolable.

    @Bob..Yes you are SO right!Nothing comical re my Dad dying...but looking back I can kind of smile at just how many times I emerged and returned and re-emerged from those baby changing rooms in one shopping trip that prob took me hours!:-¬ one big puzzle;-0 xx

    I hear ya, millie111. I choke up at Louis Armstrong's "What A Wonderful World" for many reasons.....just never fails. There is also an Easter hymn that I always get a lump in my throat.

    Harry Nillson, Without You


    also Ships in the night,can't remember who sang it

    Same as me, lambshank

    I've never heard Ships In The Night ... thought I'd heard em all. : )

    Yes, He sang that so hauntingly beautiful. I bought the CD just for that one song.

    "Our Day Will Come" by Ruby and the Romantics.....1963.     

    (It came and went.)         :((

    To Love Somebody ... tears me up ...



    Is that by the Bee Gees ?

    yeh ... they had so many tear jerkers ... swoon....thud! ;)

    Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone

    Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven

    Harry Chapin - Cat's In The Cradle 

    You guys have probably never heard of it but "Please don't ask me" By Mr.John Farnham will do it for me everytime.


    Lovely song.Ain't it??
    country bumpkin

    I do like it. :)

    That song from the 70s, I think Diana Ross did starts out.......Touch me in the morning.......then just go away.......

    About two weeks after we separated, I saw my husband in the band hall we had frequented. He was dancing with his new girl………..

    Here you come again, just when I've begun to get myself together, you waltz right in the door, just like you've done before and wrap my heart 'round your little finger. Here you come again, just when I'm about to make it work without you, you look into my eyes and lie those pretty lies and pretty soon I'm wond'rin how I came to doubt you. All you gotta do is smile that smile and there go all my defenses. Just leave it up to you and in a little while you're messin' up my mind and fillin' up my senses. Here you come again lookin' better than a body has a right to; and shakin' me up so that all I really know is here you come again and here I go. All you gotta do is smile that smile and there got all my defenses. Just leave it up to you and in a little while you're messin' up my mind and fillin' up my senses. Here you come again lookin' better than a body has a right to; and shakin' me up so that all I really know is here you come again and here I go and here I go

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