

    +7  Views: 2029 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: ramzan

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    Are you Muslim??

    No I am not an anything ...I have no labels for who I am and I've been a student of the many philosophies on this planet for nearly 40 years which does not seem like a long enough time to study anything and be an 'expert'. I do know that Islam is a beautiful way of worship and think that Allah loves all...but then who am I to propose to know anything of the mind of God(s). Peace man.

    AND YOU.



    Yes, I agree. Peace and happiness to ALL people of faith.

    Especially those who tolerate the religious beliefs of others.

    " And I say to myself..........What a Wonderful World".




    TSC - great answer.

    Yes Happy Ramadan.  

    Peace to all.



    yes...very happy Ramadam to all you Muslims.....(But please don`t fast if you have health conditions such as Diabetes/heart probs/old is no shame...but please consult your GP for advice as to whether you dhould be fasting...A/E  GETS FULL WITH SUCH CASES! please be sensible....but have a very happy time!!! xxMILLIE XX


    They can actually pay tithing instead of the fast or have someone fast in their stead! ;)

    @Lindi...thanks..I didn`tknow that!....We get a huge influx of them in A/E(ER)!...Maybe they didn`t know that either...I shall spread the word!!!:-) XXX

    <<<<3. There are certain categories of people who are allowed not to fast:

    a. The elderly, who cannot fast, or fasting could cause them aggravation or difficulty. In this case they should resort to fidya, by donating 750 gm of wheat, which is preferable, for every day they did not fast. They are, though, not required to do qadha.

    b. The expectant mother, who is approaching the date of delivery, and who feels that fasting could entail danger to her wellbeing or that of her baby. In this case, she should make up for the days missed later.

    c. The nursing mother, who is experiencing a lack of milk, and whose fast could harm her or her baby, [provided that she was the only source of her boy’s suckling]. Conversely, it is not permissible for her not to fast. If, however, it was permissible for her not to fast, she must make up for the days she missed.

    However, it is incumbent on both, the nursing mother and expectant mother to make amends by donating 750 gm of food for every day they did not fast.

    4. Like prayer, which is either obligatory or voluntary, fasting can be either too. Rather, it is one of such voluntary acts of worship that are strongly recommended - tradition has it, “It is a refuge from hell”, “It is a form of zakat that renders the body pure”, “By it the worshipper enters paradise”, etc.

    Also read here millie as there are 'modern' sorts of interpretations...
    ..."Besides the compulsory fast in Ramadhaan, every Muslim is allowed to keep voluntary fasts on any day he likes besides the Eid days and the three days of Tashreeq (11th, 12th and 13th of Zil-Hijjah) "provided his health and constitution allow him", and in case of husband and wife with mutual consent. These fasts should not be continuos without any break or always on fixed days. Friday should not be specially chosen for optional fast. Generally three days fast in a month has been recommended by the Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam; and according to him, the best optional fast is on every alternate day. David alaihissalaam used to keep such sort of fast. The Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam used to pray: "O Allah, keep me hungry for one day so that I may seek help from Thee and give me food on the following day, so that I may be thankful to Thee." The Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam used to keep optional fasts on the following days: ">>>

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