    Has anybody out there seen any ufo,s if so where?

    0  Views: 618 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    I'm sorry,but you will have to wait until our resident UFOologist returns,We think she has been abducted by aliens & we haven't heard from her for abou 4 weeks.Hurry back Eggy!

    This flying saucer was seen hovering over my house today.


    The message they were attempting to send was "get a room" :)

    You were right- it really what everyone is saying!!! ;) LOL

    Well. it's 3:04am..perhaps I will be able to sleep some. With my cat, alone, in my room....oh look I have a room and dont really need it. Would you and Kilt guy like to borrow it?????
    country bumpkin

    Please stop! You have me laughing so hard that I have tears running down my leg...

    I saw a bright blue oval travel slowly over the sky. As soon as I had adjusted to the sight I called the airport and several other places to see if they had caught the sight on their screen. No one had. I couldn’t tell if it was near or far, big or little. It was just a very strange bright blue thing in the sky.

    When I was a little girl a bright flash of light almost seemed to come in our front windshield on a warm summer night. It REALLY scared me. My dad told me it was a meteor but I think back on it now and I’m not so sure.

    Have you seen something strange in the sky maverick?


    Many times throughout my life starting in Saskatchewan in about 1962...then on the Alberta plains several times between the years of 1975 to 1993 and sighted in the area north of Edmonton city always near or over the CFB Airforce base there. More recently I have seen phenomenon over Vancouver city in the form of what can only be described as a massive Mother Ship that had several smaller craft coming and going from it...astounding to say the very least! This was in the summer..July of 1999 on the Pacific Northwest Coast! Last summer I saw an incredible golden orb over a field near Northwest Bay on Vancouver Island...I pulled over and watched it for several minutes as it seemed to float back and forth on its own and then it just shot off into the sky straight up and disappeared from view! Thanks for asking!

    In the sky and there is a space ship in our locl park , I hear it landed in 1977 and they have just left it there ... There have been little Aliens playing there since then :)

    I have seen them on TV ..


    Yes I did--- But first, the definition of UFO is 'Unidentified Flying Object'.. Too many people jump to conclusions that they saw something they can't identify so therefore its from outer space.  I saw lots of UFO's, how many of them from outer space??? i don't know, my guess is none of them.

    I am a believer though but I  don't necessarily think they are from outer space, there's too many other possibilities of their origin.

    Yes i did see one it turned out to be a dish thrown in my direction for no good reason at least i thought so


    Musta been a Greek restaurant!! haha!

    I have frequenty seen UFO's, why do you ask?




    yes, ive seen several myself. why yiou ask?

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